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"All of you shall burn in hell if you do not repent!"

The Pastor boomed over the steeple at the crowd seated in pews a few steps away.
His pruned hands gestured to all of the religious people," you must all do a decade of Hail Mary's to save your soul, otherwise the devil will come into your life," his elongated fingers individually shook as his voice heightened," Let it be known that you all have been warned!"

He turned down, his old, wrinkly face scrunched as his eyes engrossed into the open Bible in front of him, the rays of the mid-day sun slithering into the dusty, antique Church.

Colours of the beautiful paintings of the Virgin Mary holding baby Jesus dusted the walls, giving the more-or-less plain room a slight feel of ease.
Uncomfortable wooden seats lined both sides, half-filled with praying men and women, and the occasional sleeping child.
The buzz of the poorly located AC right above the pastor's stand refused to cool the overheated box of a room, yet it slightly overpowered the sound of an overly strained voice.

Seated on the closest pew at the only exit were three boys; Jin Sun, Hyeon Woo, and Seth Khan.
Their flawless, pale-skinned faces plastered in boredom.

They stood out.

Seth leaned over to Jin, whispering something in his ear, and Hyeon glowered at them, his black jacket crinkling," if you're gonna say something, say it out loud so I can hear."
He hated being left out.
Seth rolled his eyes, looking at the demanding boy," no," and continued to whisper to the younger one.

"I swear, one day I'll rip yo-"
Another man strutted in, his sexy bloodred suit contrasting his ivory complexion, and his lips curled into a dashing grin as he saw the three men, "- well aren't you guys a sight to see."

Jin smiled back, sliding across the seat, leaving a space for him," hey Min."

Hyeon focused on the pastor, not even glancing at Min, " you're late," he checked the clock," very late."

Min cracked, letting a small gust of air escape his lips as his tongue slipped over them," I had some...business to attend to."
He adjusted his collar, sitting upright," where's everyone else?"

"Doing their own business," Seth lolled," I wish I wasn't here either, church is lame."

"Could you shut up, otherwise we'll be in here for another good hour, scraping your body from the floor."

They stepped out of the supposed-to-be air conditioned room into a hot lunch hour.
The blazing sun beating down on to the dry cement, radiating, making them sweat.
"God, why the hell is it so hot?"
Hyeon fanned himself after taking off his black over coat, "let's just go and get something to eat."

Min's phone rang.
He checked the caller's ID and smiled," I gotta take this," and walked off.
Seth sighed," now where's he going."
A red Lamborghini pulled up on the curb, bass from the loud speakers in the car blasting through its metal shell.
It's sleek, shiny exterior caressed the curves and molding of its modern design.
"You're not serious.."

The blackened window rolled down, and a beautiful man peered at them from behind Gucci glasses.

"Min told me to pick you guys up here, don't know why though, you have legs to walk," he said as he turned down there music dial.

"Yeah, so, did you come here to pick us up, or gloat, Tay?" Hyeon snapped, his arms folded around his chest defensively.

"I'm still deciding.." he tapped on his chin, knowing that he was getting in their nerves," but I don't think I want your bodies dirtying my new car."

"Geez, just shut up."


The ride from the church was very eventful...

 Definitely not a carpool stable people would enjoy as the five boys' personalities are, let's just put it this way... Not compatible.

Min had rushed to the front of the vehicle just as Tay had pulled off the curb, stopping them from leaving without him all the while nearly being hit by the bumper, and Hyeon shouted as he entered the car, " Min, are you out of your mind! You could've been hit!"

"More importantly, you could have damaged my car," Tay chimed in, leaning over the seat to stare as the attractive man sat next to quiet Jin.

"Watch where you walk, idiot!" Hyeon continued, he was mad at the mistake, and his eyes burned into Min while his fists curled into a ball, ready to blow.
Jin, sitting in between the two others, crossed his arms over himself, feeling uncomfortable," just take us home."

Seth started to laugh," you guys bicker like a couple, just go out already," his quirky chuckle not diluting the dense atmosphere, however they sat in silence....for about two minutes.

The red sports car pulled up into a large gated compound, the gravel of the driveway crunching under the weight of the vehicle.

The building's red brick exterior darkened by the many years since it's creation while its fairly new windows popped out in colour stood proudly against the mix of lush vegetation in its background. The boys stepped out onto the path by the front double doors illuminated by the chandelier hanging above on the ceiling, its light attracting a buzz of insects.

"Hand me the bug spray," Jin groaned, swatting the few stray flies away from his face.

Hyeon turned around and clapped his hands in front of Jin, trapping several bugs to their demise within them," it's not hard to use your hands, idiot."

The doors opened inwards, revealing the large marble entrance room where in the middle is a grand staircase leading to the second floor overlooking the living room and connected to the bedrooms and studies. They all entered simultaneously, going their own ways without uttering any words. Sure.. they were friends... but, did they really like each other?

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