The Brit

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"Now I told you Alice, I don't give a damn where you had plans, you're coming home after school!"

"For what?! To watch my drunk mom and dad yell at the TV while we have 'family time'?"

"Don't talk to me like that Missy! I'm your mother!"

"NO YOURE NOT." I screeched, ending the conversation. I grabbed my keys and headed to school. These fights were an every day activity for me and my mom. She yelled at me for the same things over and over again. Not because she wanted to, but because she was too drunk to remember that she yelled at me for it already. My mom wasn't really a mom at all. Neither was my dad. They just sat and drank and talked about how much of an ungrateful, selfish child I was. (Though that was totally untrue) My parents started sending me to the store to buy cigarettes when I was twelve. And when I wouldn't get the right kind they would beat me and burn me with whatever type of cig I had gotten be mistake.

I pulled into my parking spot and trudged through the large, red, double doors. "Crawford High School - Home of the WildCats". I hated this school. Mostly because the school hated me. No one talked to me. No one.

I made my way to my seat in Mr.Biggs' class room; very back of the classroom, in the far left table. All by myself. I was the first one in the class room and every group of friends filed in in the same order ever day. First was the populars, then the geeks, then the Jocks. But today, a face appeared that I had never seen before. He walked in by himself, nervousness filled his eyes as he frantically looked for a place to sit. He was stunning. He had short, black hair that spiked up in the very front. His eyes were a piercing green. His jaw line was firm and strong. He wore a crooked smile, garnished with a single dimple on his left cheek. I quickly fixed my sleek brown hair over my shoulders and sat up strait. I looked down at my phone, acting like I was doing something important, praying he would see the open space at my table. I decided I didn't have a chance and started flipping through tumblr, pretending like I wasn't lonely. Suddenly the table shook and someone was sitting directly infront of me.

"Do you mind me sitting here?" And he had a British accent. My life was complete.

"Uh...not at really want to sit here?" I asked, not used to people actually talking to me, let alone paying attention to me.

"Why not?" He chuckled. "I'm Camden."

"I'm Alice." I said, attempting not to blush, and failing. I could tell he was studying me, so I quickly pulled my sleeves down over my arms to cover my scars. "New I'm guessing? Where from?"

"Transfer from London. My mum got a job here. "

"That's awesome!"

"One question Alice."

"Of course."

"Why is everyone looking at me like I'm crazy?"

"Im not exactly one people talk to...ever."

"I don't see why they wouldn't want to talk to a beautiful girl like yourself." I couldn't help it. A dopey smile slid across my cheeks. "You know what, you're coming to hang out with me after school. Meet my at my car after sixth period. The black truck. Can't miss it." Dumbfounded by his invitation, I giggled.

" Okay." Mr.Biggs then started the lesson and we transferred out attention to the board.

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