Chapter 2

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Lexa's POV

I try to talk to her but she ignores me.

Finally I snap "CLARKE LISTEN TOO ME...please"

I know I have her attention as she turns around in disbelief that I just screamed at her.

"What do you want me too say? That I'm fine,I'm not fine.I haven't seen my mother in a year.I never saw her because you took me before I could see her. So no lexa I'm not fine..." she says In a hurtful manner but I'm glad she said something

"Clarke I know seeing her must be hard and I'm sorry"

"I don't know what to do or what I can do.i don't want to go back to Arkadia but I fear my mother is expecting me to turn around and leave this life behind to go back with her."

"If you want to see your friends and family without them knowing you are there and to give you closure you can always watch them from the tree lines." I say

"I guess but I think I'm too the point where i don't want to see them anymore... ever." She says but I can tell she doesn't mean it but is trying her best to act like she does.

"Clarke you don't mean that."

" I do"she says with tears streaming down Her face.

"I'm sorry..." I say trying to be apologetic.

"For what" she questions.

" I never meant to turn you into this... If I didn't take Monty from the beginning you wouldn't be here!" My voice starts to break at this point, if I say anything else I might just start crying.

"Lex-" she try's to say but I walked away before she could say anymore.

I arrive at the gate to see the Arkadians off and I notice that Clarke has come too.

"I'm glad you showed up" I said to Clarke trying to be nice.

" I'm your second heda."she says that with a intent to hurt me,or try too but she hasn't called me heda since the first week she was here.

I just stood there in silence when Abby Griffin came up too Clarke.

" goodbye sweetie I love you and hope too see you soon" she says with such care In Her tone. But Clarke stands there motionless and accepts the hug her mother gives her.

"Clarke why don't you go to train and I'll meet you there soon."At this point I'm just trying to get her away from her mother.

"No I will stay here to see them off!" She's stubborn but I wasn't gonna let her talk to me like that even if we are best friends more like sisters though.

"That wasn't a question Clarke that was a order!" I bark at her.

She leaves without a word.

The Arkadians have left and I've given Clarke her space for a week and she still won't talk to me.

I walk into her tent to see a empty bed and table. The worst came to my mind so I ran to the training room and she wasn't there. I ran to Indra to see if she's seen her.

" where is Clarke?"

"Heda I thought she was in her tent." She says but now I'm concerned more then ever.

She had left and is probably a half day away by now.

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