Song Recommendation - Dope by BTS
"Okay! Today's practice is over!" said Kim Namjoon. His football team all circled around him and they all tiredly raised one of their arms in the center of the circle. "Team on 3! 1, 2, 3!"
"Team!" they all exclaimed and put their arms down in unison. They all began to walk to the locker room. Some boys showered, some changed, and some left right away.
"Good job today boys," Namjoon said as he began to walk towards his office. He sat on his chair and let out a tired sigh.
"Thanks, Coach!"
"You're the best!"
"We're gonna kick ass tomorrow!"
The locker room began to fill with chatter as they talked about the game tomorrow night. Namjoon was a great coach and a great leader in general. He has been coaching football for about 4 years now and he loved every single second of it. He treated the boys like they were his own sons. He didn't mean to brag, but Namjoon thought his team was the best around.
He waited until every single person left when he began to pack his things. Today's practice was extra hard since they were going to have a game tomorrow after school, and Namjoon felt pretty confident.
Content, he unlocked his car and went inside. He turned on the air since it was about 95 degrees outside. The summer heat was being replaced by the cold air of his car. It's always very refreshing after a long afternoon of nagging a couple of seniors.
He decided to go to the supermarket to grab something to cool him off. The taste of the sweet melon bar coated his taste buds with its cold touch and instantly felt like he was in cooling heaven.
As he exited the place while enjoying the melting bar, he was suddenly pushed onto the ground and the ice cream plopped beside him. He winced in pain but before he could react, he blacks out.
The BlondieAgent 1 (Kim Namjoon) - 24 - A Football Coach He is a football coach in Busan who is respected and loved by his students. A natural-born leader and a respectful brother to his friends.
Romance[UPDATE! - 7/1/2020 - I'm changing the storyline of this story a little bit since my prospective has changed ever since I last updated.] 7 boys. 6 are innocent. 1 is a spy. Money is the prize. Who'll win this game?'s not that simple. Note ~ I'...