Chapter 1 || Getting Ready

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{Tuesday, three days until graduation}

Mya's POV

"And that's the last project you will ever have to make, congratulations students. Now, on your way out, please receive your graduation outfits and hats. You may decorate the hat however you'd like, it's your's to keep," When Professor Holbert finished talking, all of the students got up from their seats and received their graduation outfits. I walked up to the front of the class last to get mine to avoid the crowd.

"Professor Holbert, I want to thank you for everything you have taught me," I said kindly.

"Oh, you're very welcome Ms. Mya. I hope the best for you," He replied with a smile. I smiled back and grabbed my graduation outfit.

I walked outside and looked for Cole's car. Once I found it, I opened the back door to put the graduation outfit in and hopped into the passenger seat. 

"Did you get the outfit?" Cole asked. "Well duh," I replied. "I'm proud of you, Mya," He said as he looks at me. His bright green eyes always made me melt, causing me to smile back at him.

As he pulled out into traffic, he took his right hand and grabbed my left hand. "What are you doing?" I asked. "I just wanted to hold your hand," He replied softly while keeping his eyes on the road, "I'm just surprised you're letting me," He added. "Um, well," I hesitated. I looked over at him and saw a small smirk on his face. "I would smack you for that smirk on your face but you're driving and I don't want to get in a car crash today," I said. "You just love me, don't you," Cole replied. I started blushing and looked away from him. I'm pretty sure he didn't notice because he didn't say anything.

Once we got home, I practically jumped out of the passenger seat and ran inside with the graduation outfit. Cole walked in behind me and went into his office. I put the outfit down onto the table and searched up ideas for decorations.

"Mya?" Cole called out, "You're not in the kitchen, are you?" Cole asked. "Maybe, maybe not," I replied. "I grounded you from the kitchen, remember?" He added. "I'm just using the kitchen table, I'll tell you when I'm grabbing food or cooking something," I reassured. He didn't say anything after that so he probably trusts me or maybe something work related came up.

After an hour of looking for inspiration, I finally found something. It was themed after my favorite anime, My Hero Academia. I was gonna actually start decorating tomorrow because I was already exhausted from today. "Oh hey Cassie, Parker, come on in!" I heard Cole say, I must have not heard the doorbell.

I laid my stomach on top of the table and closed my eyes. "Is Mya good?" I heard Cassie ask. "Mya, you good?" Cole asked. "Just tired," I replied as I stood back up. "Is that your graduation gown?" Cassie asked as she walked over to look at it. "Yup, I'm planning to decorate the cap," I replied. "Awww! I'm so proud of you, Mya!" Cassie exclaimed as she pulled me into a hug.

I giggle and hugged her back. "Thank you, Cassie," I replied. "My little Mya is all grown up now," I heard Cassie say, "Hey, I'm not that little," I replied, "You might wanna re-think that statement, Mya," Cole teased. "Oh shut up," I replied to Cole. Cassie and I stopped hugging and looked down at me.

I turned back to where Cole and Parker were standing, Cole with a small smirk and Parker with a soft smile. "So, why did you and Cassie come over?" I asked Parker politely, "We just wanted to visit since we had nothing to do," Parker replied. I simply nodded and waited for someone else to talk. "Do you guys wanna watch tv or something?" Cole suggested. "Sure!" Cassie replied. 

Cassie walked over to the living room with Parker following her and Cole not too far behind. I walked back over to the kitchen table. "Coming, Mya?" I heard Cole ask behind me. "In a minute, let me put the gown and cap in our room," I replied. I turned back around and already saw Cole walking over to the living room. I grabbed the gown and cap and brought it upstairs to the bedroom.

I laid the gown and cap on my bedside table and walked back downstairs. I sat on the couch Cole was sitting on, across Cassie and Parker. Cole reached down to hold my hand again, which I don't really mind anymore if I'm being honest, I just hope Cassie doesn't see because she might make a big deal about it.

After two hours, Cassie and Parker left. Cole went to clean up the pizza we had ordered while I stayed on the couch. My eyelids started to get heavy and I slowly drifted off into unconsciousness, until I felt something pick me up. 

I recognized this person, it was Cole. I could feel him walking up the stairs. Without even thinking, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled myself closer. "You awake?" Cole softly asked. "No," I replied sleepily. "Okay, night Mya," Cole said as he laid me down on the bed. "Night..." I whispered. My thoughts drifted away as unconsciousness took over again.

To be continued...

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