Chapter 4 || Trial and Error

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{Thursday morning: one day before graduation}

Cole's POV

I woke up on my side of the bed from my alarm going off. I reached over to look at my phone and simply pressed the 'stop' button. I turned over the other way to look at Mya but to my surprise, she wasn't there. So I got out of bed and went downstairs to look for her.

In the living room, I saw my girlfriend, sitting on the couch with tired eyes and a laptop on her lap. She was so tired she didn't even notice me until I sat next to her.

"Mya?" I asked. "Mmmhmm," She replied sleepily. "How long have you been here?" I asked. "Since 4:30... I think?" She said. I could hear the tiredness in her voice, she definitely didn't sleep well last night. 

I looked at what she was writing, it seemed to be her graduation speech. I knew she was limited to ten minutes of talking. Since there were so many graduates at her college this year, they split everyone up in groups of two or three majors. 

"Mya, you should take a power nap," I suggested. "No, I'm not gonna sleep until I finish this. I might fall asleep for too long and not have enough time to write this," She replied. Man, she sure is stubborn but I still love her. 

"I need to make breakfast and get ready for work, don't overwork yourself, okay, Mya?" I stated. She lazily nodded her head as she got back to work typing. 

I ran up the stairs, got dressed, and ran back downstairs. Mya was still in the same position, typing away. I went into the kitchen and made pancakes for me and Mya. Once I plated the pancakes, I brought both of our plates into the living room and sat next to Mya. I handed Mya the plate.

Mya looked over at the plate and stared at it. "Mya, it's not poison, eat the pancakes," I convinced her. "I'm not hungry though," She whined. "Eat them, for me?" I smiled at her. I heard her whisper something under her breath as she grabbed the plate and took a bite of pancakes. 

Once I finished my pancakes I headed out the door and got in the car. Then, I got a phone call from my assistant, Clair. I answered. "Cole Backster speaking," I answered. "Uh... M-Mr. Backster, we have a serious problem here," Clair said through the phone. "I'll be there in five minutes,"

-Time Skip- {Thursday afternoon: one day before graduation}

Mya's POV

I read over my speech after typing for thirty minutes. 'This is so bad, just like the last 13 speeches I wrote!' I screamed in my head. I deleted the speech I just finished and started from the beginning once again. I heard a knock at the door. I walked to the door and answered it without looking to see who it was. 

"Hello?" I asked. To my surprise, it was Luna and Cassie. "Did Cole send you two here?" I asked with annoyance in my voice. "Uhh.." Cassie hesitated. "Yeah, he sounded worried about you and wanted us to get you to take a nap," Luna admitted. I small smile formed on my face but I hid it by slightly turning my face away. I opened the door for them, "Come inside," I said. They both walked inside. I lead them to the living room and plopped myself back on the couch where I was sitting before.

"So what do you have for your speech so far?" Cassie asked me. "Nothing," I replied simply. "Nothing?! But haven't you been working all morning?" Luna asked concerned. "Yes but they all sounded dumb so I deleted them all and started over," I replied. 

I looked up from my computer and saw their concerned faces. The feeling of guilt washed over me. I looked at the time; 2:37, last time I ate was at 7:15. I sighed and closed my computer. I stood up. "I'm gonna take care of myself. I'm gonna make lunch, take a shower, and take a nap until Cole comes home," I said as I smiled at them. Their faces lit up.

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