Chapter 07 - The Blast

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"This dress won't suit me" Arjun pouted. Siddharth was busy packing his luggage. He turned back and found Arjun standing in front of the mirror. Siddharth laughed. It was a day before his journey to his hometown.

"It's your uniform man"

"Whatever. I'm looking like a jocker. Right anna? Say the truth"

"Well..yeah almost."

"Whattttttt" Arjun yelled. Siddharth laughed.

"You said it first"

Arjun scratched his head. Siddharth zipped his luggage's and fell on the bed. He took the letter from his pocket and read  again.

"Letter for Anjali?"

Siddharth nodded and he smiled.

"Atleast this time ask for her phone number"

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"Atleast this time ask for her phone number"

Siddharth laughed.

"Anyway you wanted me to give something to aira right. What's that?"

Arjun smiled. He went near his wardrobe and took out a huge box from that. Siddharth widened his eyes.

"What's This?"

"Nothing. But something special"He blushed. Siddharth chuckled.

Siddharth took the box from him and zipped it with the other luggage's. Then he turned to Arjun.

"My heart is not allowing to go leaving you here" Siddharth said.

"Anna I'm not a school going kid. Stop seeing me like that"

Siddharth smiled and patted his cheeks.

"Oh my god. Look at the time. I better go now" Arjun said in a hurry. He came back to Siddharth and gave him a big salute. Siddharth laughed.

"What was that?"

"I felt like" Arjun smiled. He took his cap and hurried.


He turned back to Siddharth.

"Take care"

Arjun smiled and nodded. He went down. From the window he saw Arjun getting into the big vanity with hundreds of other soldier's. The car zoomed out of his sight. He came back to his room. And made sure that everything is packed. He came downstairs. The dormitory was all silent. Everybody else had left. Siddharth was alone there. He walked outside. To the hills.

45 minutes later he reached the post office. He left his letter inside the letter box. A satisfaction crept over him. On the way he bought 2 shirts for him , a pink coloured saree for his beloved , he wondered whether she would wear saree now. He couldn't believe that she would have grown up like him. He smiled to himself. He brought a shirt for Arjun too.
He stopped near a stall to have his breakfast. Just then his eyes fell on the Latest News Flash.

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