The Man In The Black Hat

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I woke up ready to start the day. i pulled on my blue jeans and my black shirt with Nirvana printed on it. i laced up my black sneakers and combed my short brunette hair. before leaving the two story house, i checked my self in the mirror. i had brown eyes that had speckles of yellow in it. i am slightly pale and have a light set of freckles that crawl over my button nose. 

When i walk out the door my mom stops me and says, "i love you and make good choices today!". "Okay mom!" i said trying to wiggle free of her hug.

When i start walking to school, a man in a black hat looks at me as if i was special. I feel uncomfortable and start walking to school. When i arrive the man was already there. He watched me from outside the gate, ready to pounce it seemed like.

its been like this for 2 years now. once a day. I wonder if he even has a job. He dresses very nice, so i think he does, if stalking 18 year old's is a job. The bell rings and i rush to class. My friends and i are talking with each other before the teacher comes in.

I notice the man walking right outside the window. this hasn't happened before, he's always outside the gate. i feel like he's getting closer to the door, but stops to talk to someone. he leaves and Mrs. Liz walks in to start English.

this got weirder and weirder. why did he leave? What did he say? does this have to do with me? at the end of class, Mrs.Liz stops me. "Colt? may i have a word with you?" here it comes. whatever that man said, it was this. 

"Sure." i chocked.

"i'm sure you know that man?" i nodded. "Well he says you need to prepare for something big. Do you know what that means?" 

"No, Mrs. Liz." she nodded, "Well be careful." 

the day went on in a blur. i was too freaked out about that guy. before i knew it, the bell rang for the end of the day. and there he was, waiting for me at the gate. i stood frozen, waiting for the last few kids to leave, before i sprinted past him. 

I finally arrived at the house, beating him and ran inside. i was lightheaded and acted like everything was normal, so i started my homework. Just then a knock came from downstairs.

My mom said, "I'll get it." a dark and gravely voice started speaking, but i couldn't make out anything. he and my mother talked for minutes, until she invited him in.  

"Colt! i have someone for you to meet!" My mom called. My heart was beating rapidly. I felt sick and weary I slowly descended down the stairs. There he was the man in the black hat.

"Hello Colt. Your mother has told me a lot about you." he said with a smile. My mom said in a concerned voice,"I've been needing to tell you something i should of told you a long time'er special."

"oh gee thanks." i laughed a little. but she had a serious face on, i have only seen that face once in my life.

"you were gifted by these enchanters. they saw promise in you, sadly this man, Mr. Raven, is the last one of them. We will soon be under a great evil force and are the only one that can stop it." I thought my mom was down right crazy, but i guess i was wrong. 

"Colt, i have watched you from afar. i may of seem like a stalker, but i had to watch you. you are deemed to soon be pure of mind with training of course." i had to get away from these people. i ran to my room and locked the door. 

after weak attempts of entering, Mr. Raven took my mother back downstairs. i held my head in my hands. This wasn't happening. I was a perfectly normal kid.

Then why did i feel so different? 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2014 ⏰

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