Naughty boy

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Life is hard.
Especially if you are a kpop idol and your girl group is quite famous .
Life is hard , meeting people's expectations are difficult sometimes.
Hours of practice that worn us out plus that stupid dieting , be in shape and all that bullshit but in my this difficult life there is some ray of sunshine that makes me happy that makes me myself and who I am not the person people see me perform on stage and that happiness is my beloved Jimin.
Yes I know the infamous Park Jimin from BTS and all but yeah he's the one that completes me my beloved Jiminie.

Life is hard,
Cause I also have to hide Jimin and mine relationship.
Life is shit seriously,
The fans are so damn talented at analysing if their idol is dating or not is almost irritating .
One look towards my Jiminie and the fans start the dating rumours, well but they aren't wrong as  I'm dating Jimin.

It's the day kpop idols are most anxious for the 'kpop group of the year award' all their months of hardwork and sacrifices done just to receive the award . Different groups of kpop idols present here with determination and only one motive - to win the award.
In all the different groups present here we had to sit a table behind BTS , great just fucking great.
All my practiced self control comes crashing down ones I land my eyes on Jimin .
Fuck Jimin just looks gorgeous , the styled blond hair silk shirt with a wide colar showing a lot of his chest fuck I felt my mouth water as I stared at his pale chest and black choker.
Damn and not to forget the tight jeans showing of his ass... His ass so bubbly and bouncy just wanna grab handful of his ass and smack it , watching it jiggle. Oh god I felt myself getting aroused as I thought of fucking Jimin the way I wanted.

As I was busy staring at his body he had the guts to fucking smirk and wink at me, god the audicity. Does he not know who is in charge of the relationship? Maybe I should pay him a visit to teach him that.

The award went on smoothly than expected with the best boy band of the year award taken by BTS ofcourse but one thing that bothered me was the way Jimin flirted with the lady who gave them the award. I smirked seeing my Jiminie try and flirt obviously to make me jealous.
I smirk grew thinking about the way to punish him.

Don't worry Jiminie I know you did that on purpose , to make me jealous . You succeeded , and now you have to take the punishment I give that you deserve cause you have been a very naughty boy.

Authors note:-
Damn the last paragraph made me seem like a psycho but don't worry I am not hehe.
I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and pls be free to share your kinks and ideas with me in the comment section I won't judge I promise . For now byeeeee.


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