Are you obsessed?

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You know you're obsessed with LOTR when...

1. You really want to learn Quenya, Sindarin, the Black Speech😱, Dwarfish, or other languages crated by Tolkien

2.You wish you had pointy ears

3. Your friends are getting good at tuning you out when you talk about LOTR

4. You are learning the Tengwar

5. You get annoyed at your phone for trying to autocorrect the word Tengwar

6. You read/write LOTR fanfics

7. A shadow and a threat has been growing in your mind

8. You try to walk on dirt or snow without leaving footprints (to no avail, for you have no elvish slippers...)

9. You have made lembas bread

10. You wish you had hairy feet

11. If you want something, you try Bilbo's creepy face mechanism to get it

12. If you run into Peter Jackson,(after gushing about how much you LOVE LOTR and an Unexpected Journey) you'll give him a blank stare and say,"What ever happened to Tom?"

13. You know the entire 3 hour movie by heart, even the elvish bits

14. You know what Tig is

15. You know the rules to Tig

16. You've played the Tig trick on your friends😂

17. You practice the Legolas arrow stab maneuver (just without an arrow [or an Orc{unless siblings count}])

18. You hate it when people say Gandalf had the Eagles on speed dial because HE REALLY DIDN'T!! HE'S NOT AN IDIOT! HE'S GANDALF FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!! Hem hem. Sorry. Had to cough.

19. You know Haldir didn't die in the battle of horn burg and are kinda annoyed he did...

20. ... But you mourn Haldir anyway.

21. You hide in the bushes if you see a group of black birds

22. You will never throw rocks into water again

23. Your friends curse at school, you gasp and say,"The Black Speech of Mordor!"

24. You quote it in a completely random conversation, such as... "What are you doing this weekend?"

"Tomatoes, sausages, nice crispy bacon!"

"Ummmm... ok then"

25. You've memorized the soundtrack, even though it's mostly instrumental

26. You and your sister or friend have learned the entire Green Dragon song

27. Edge of Night is your favorite song

28. Roads Go Ever On is your second favorite song

29. You wish Faramir had not been so mean to the hobbits in TTT movie. Why Ya Gotta Be So RUUUUDE?!?

30. You speak in Quenya (or Sindarin depending on your preference) to the trees in hopes they will wake up and move around

31. You see a tree that was chopped down or broken, you hope to Elbereth it wasn't an Ent

32. You asked the lady at the theatre for the Battle of 5 Armies movie poster before it even came out

33. When introducing someone, it is not, "This is (insert name)" it's, "This is (insert name) son/daughter of (insert name)."

34. Your friends want to get on your good side, they call you a hobbit

35. Your non-LOTR friends think Saruman is Samwise and you start to cry

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