Chapter 8

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~Sarah's point of view~

Esther said

"Her name is Emily rose hood."

Bridget looked confused then said

"What about Elsa Brittany hood?"

"Nah I thought it kinda sounded umm how do I say it.......... CrAzY!"

"Oh we'll maybe?" Bridget said.

"Well I like Emily! it's a nice name! can I hold her?"

Esther looked mad and said


She handed me the baby! she was adorable! and I don't want to look away. but I did and I looked at hook and saw his face! he ha pure disgust on his face!

"What? you don't like babies?"

I said in a sarcastic tone.

"No, I just never thought I would see one of those..... things."

"It's called a baby! and u need to cuz when it if I get married I want two!"

I handed the baby to him quickly before he could decline! he squirmed trying to give the baby back. I felt bad because I guess it was hard to carry a baby with a hook...

"Umm love?"

"Yes hook?"

"Can u take the 'baby'?"

"Did u enjoy holding HER!"


"Then no."


"Ok! now I will take her!"

~Bridget's point of view~

"No no no! I want her I didn't get to hold her yet!"

"Oh, ok" Sarah said.

I took the baby and cradled her for a bit then looked t Neil's face he looked happy then he said

"You look good with a baby." he said flirty while playing with Emily's toes.

"Thnx." then we got lost in each others eyes.

"Ok. before my baby is flattened!" then robin came and took Emily and I ran to Neil and kissed him. then pulled away and Neil whispered in my ear

"Can I just say something crazy?"

"Umm yes?"

I whispered back then he pulled away in a heart beat and was on one knee with a ring!

"Oh. my. god!"

Sarah was now practically screaming!

"Will u marry me Bridget? I know we have only known each other for a short time but, I love u."

I covered my mouth a started to cry and shook my head yes. then said

"You stole that from frozen."

We all laughed loudly and then we kissed! a long time! then Sarah said

"So I guess we're staying I. Town?"

The end! love u!!! Next chapter soon!

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