Chapter Five - Together At Last

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Sherlock climbed the familiar stairs of 221B Baker Street to the flat that he shared with John. After three days in a hospital bed, he was finally released. Though, Sherlock still had the wound on his head, which was now stitched together to keep it from bleeding again.

Sherlock could hear the crackle of the fire as he slowly approached the lounge room door that was always kept wide open. He stopped by the doorframe. He could see John sitting at the desk, his computer on with his mug by him, and his fingers paused by the keyboard, but he wasn’t typing.

‘John?’ Sherlock whispered. John looked up abruptly. His eyes grew wide as he saw Sherlock’s face.

‘Sherlock, I-‘ John stood quickly. ‘I, uh…didn’t know that you were getting released today.’

Sherlock took a step into the lounge room. ‘I would’ve called, but my phone is out of use for the moment.’ That made John smile slightly. ‘Yeah I saw it. It looked pretty bad…you should get it fixed.’

‘Yeah, I should.’ Sherlock looked down at his feet. John cleared his throat and grabbed his empty mug and walked into the kitchen.

‘Actually, I’ve been wondering, John…how did you find me?’ Sherlock slowly followed John into the kitchen.

‘Uh, well…it was starring me in the face.’ John said, washing out his mug at the sink. ‘You know how you noticed that the where all the victims were found in a circle, all about thirteen miles apart?’ Sherlock nodded. ‘The warehouse you were held in was right in the middle of the circle. Reckless thinking to Richard Hall.’

Sherlock rolled his eyes and sighed. ‘Of course. Why didn’t I-‘ Sherlock stopped. He realised that he was being an arse again.

Sherlock stepped forward. ‘Thank you John. Really, it mean a lot to-‘

‘I’m moving out.’ John interrupted Sherlock. Sherlock was taken back. ‘You’re what?’

John turned to face Sherlock. ‘I’m moving out, Sherlock.’ Sherlock could tell that John was trying hard to keep his emotions from being expressed on his face.

‘But, John…’ Sherlock started, but John interrupted Sherlock by raising his hand in the air.

‘I have to, Sherlock. I can’t stay here, not after…’ John shook his head slowly. ‘Not after what happened at the hospital.’

Sherlock’s eyes filled with tears. ‘But John…I didn’t mean it.’

‘Punching me or what you said afterward?’ John asked. ‘Because it sounded like you were telling me that you…that you love me.’

Sherlock nodded. ‘Yes, John… what I meant at the hospital is true. I love you.’

John looked away from Sherlock. ‘I think that me moving out is probably the best thing for both of us, Sherlock.’

‘John,’ Sherlock started. ‘Let me explain.’

‘There’s nothing to explain. I’m going to go and stay with Stanford until I find my own place, then-‘

‘I’ve only just started loving you.’ Sherlock interrupted. John looked up at Sherlock in surprise. ‘I’ve only started re-connecting with my emotions, and they all came flooding to me. It was too much to bear.’ Tears fell from Sherlock’s eyes. ‘I didn’t mean to hurt you, John. I would never do that to you knowingly….remember? I died for you, John. And I would do it again, over and over.’ Sherlock and John had never talked about it. About how Sherlock had faked his own death so that Moriarty wouldn’t kill John, Lestrade or Mrs Hudson. But after a few months, Sherlock had come back. Shocking just about everyone in Britain along with John. John nearly fainted when he saw Sherlock’s face again.

John shook his head. ‘Sherlock, I…I don’t even understand what my feelings are telling me.’ Sherlock’s face turned from sorrow to confusion. ‘Sorry?’

John looked into Sherlock’s aquamarine eyes. ‘My head says that I can never love you, yet my heart…’ John cleared his throat again. ‘Yet my heart knows that it belongs to you. And you alone.’

Sherlock’s face lit up. He loves me too! Oh, God, he loves me! ‘Then forget about what I said. About not letting your heart rule your head.’ Sherlock touched John’s cheek with his hand. ‘John…’ Sherlock whispered. ‘…Be with me.’

Tears also fell from John’s eyes. Sherlock wiped them away with his thumb. ‘I don’t know, Sherlock. What would people think?’

‘Forget what people think. It’s just you and me, John.’ Sherlock smiled. ‘Only you and me in this whole wide world.’

Sherlock couldn’t resist it anymore. He leaned down and kissed John’s lips gently. The most gently as Sherlock could muster. And when Sherlock leaned back to looked into John’s blue eyes, he could see that his mind was made up.

Sherlock’s smile disappeared. ‘Okay.’ Sherlock let his hand drop from John’s face. ‘I understand.’ Sherlock turned to leave, but John caught his hand before he was out of reach.

Sherlock turned and John stood on his tip toes just to reach Sherlock’s face. He pressed his lips against Sherlock’s passionately. Sherlock paused in shock, then kissed John back when he realised what was going on.

They kissed for about a minute until John pulled away. Both Sherlock’s and John’s faces were stained with tears, and John smiled at the state of Sherlock’s face. He tried wiping some of the tears away, but more and more followed. John cupped Sherlock’s face in his hands.

‘Just you and me, Sherlock. The only people in the world.’

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