Flashback: El Paso

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It was raining that day but it was supposed to be sunny after 1:00 P.M. We had cuddled in the bed all day

James-Guess what


James-I love you 

Me-Oh really


Me-How much?

James-I'd die for you

Me-If you loved me you'd live for me

James-I'll try to remember that next time I'm drafted

I hit his shoulder playful

Me-Don't say that

James-Come on. When I was in the military all I thought about was coming home to you and now I finally have.

Me-Well then I guess we should spend time catching up then huh?

James-I think that is a great idea since it's raining and we can't do our stately travel yet

Me-What did you have in mind

Next thing I knew he kissed me. I gave in immediately and kissed back. Then I pulled away

Me-I like where this is going

James-So do I


Me-After five rounds I think it's time we get a move on

James-So soon

Me-Come on Sleeping Beauty. Get up

James-I guess I should because I have a surprise for you

Me-Oh really

James-Really. Let's go

We got dressed and got in the truck. As we were driving we passed a sigh that said "Welcome to El Paso." We drove a couple more miles before we ended up in this empty field

Me-What are we doing here

James-Close your eyes

I closed my eyes as he took my hand and led me further in the field

Me-You're not gonna kill me are you?

James-Not yet

Me-Real funny

He laughed and finally stopped and I could feel him move away from me. It seemed like I was at the top of the hill. I then heard James yelling

James-Ok open your eyes

When I opened my eyes I was stunned to see will you marry me cut into the field. At the center was James kneeling and I ran to him with tears in my eyes.

James-Sierra I have known you since we were kids the moment you made me drink soap I knew I would follow you over a cliff. To me your my best friend, the girl who always has my back and the girl that is there for me no matter what. I know that it's You and Me Always. I want that always to be permanent I want us to be together forever. So will you do me the honor of being my wife and souly letting it be you and me always?

When he pulled out the ring I cried even harder.

Me-A little to flashy for my taste

James-I know but I wanted to get you the best ring possible

Me-And its black just like I wanted

James-Yes it is

Me-I don't know what to say

James-Say yes

Me-Yes. Yes I will marry you

He put the ring on my finger and stood up and hugged me and spun me around. I loved him and I knew this was gonna be the start of our new life


I sat there on that bed. I still had the ring but I never wore it these days because I didn't know if I still loved him. I know I love him after all he put me through I still love him and I thought about that day I told him if he loved me he would live for me. If this is living I don't know if this is the kind of love I wanted.

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