Entry Strategy

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Teresa awoke to see herself in front of her

Teresa Copy - Morning. From what I'm feeling this is as good as your day's gonna get.

With a blink she was gone


Rubin was talking with Camila about Teresa. He was showing her a picture of her drivers license

Rubin - Her name is Teresa Mendoza. She's from Culiacan. Was a salesgirl in the Buelna Mercado. Spent the last five years as a money changer on Calle Juarez. She lived with Guero here

He then swiped right to show a picture of the house her and Guero used to live in

Rubin - I got in, looked around. Nothing really.

Camila - How did Guero steal from Epifano? How did he do it?

Rubin - The details I got were they had someone in the Federales. They were getting back seized cocaine, re-selling it for themselves.

Camila - Who took them out?

Rubin - Batman got Guero. Gato and Pote, they dealt with Chino.

Camila - What about her family

Rubin - Mm, you won't be able to get to her through that. Epifano already killed off anything she cared about. He has men everywhere looking for her and the other one. California, Florida, Arizona. Whatever he wants her for, it's very important. My guess the other one also has a hand in it.

Camila - Important enough to pretend she doesn't mean anything


Teresa sat up on her bed and looked at Sierra's to see she wasn't there. She then looked at the edge of her bed to see her stuff gone. She turned toward the woman on the bed across from her

Teresa - Do you know where my stuff is? My jacket?

Girl - No one took anything. He moved you up, bitch. James. You sleep with the mules now. Congrats

Teresa got up from her bed and walked toward the mule area

Teresa - Excuse me

The girl turned around and looked at her annoyed

Teresa - Which one is my bed please?

She nodded toward the bed in the corner

Teresa walked over to it and searched through the bag. She puled out some clothes and finally her phone. She saw it say no network coverage so she walked away to find a signal. When she got signal she listened to her voicemails all from Brenda. At the end of the last message her phone vibrated causing her to remove the phone from her ear. The screen said Brenda calling but she just turned her phone off. She walked back into the mule area and walked over to one of the girls

Teresa - Excuse me, can I use your phone please? For a second?

Girl - Nothing lasts a second, fool.

Teresa - I know, please, my friend's life is in danger, I need to call her

Girl - Sucks

Teresa turned around and sat on her bed. She felt he bed deflate next to her she looked over to see Sierra. Sierra just looked at her and handed her, her phone

Teresa - Brenda? It's me, Teresa. Yes, I'm fine. Just listen to me. I'll explain everything later. Just listen to me. Guero told me that all our phones are theirs. They have their own cell phone network. Towers, everything-- all can be tracked. Guero's, Chino's, mine, yours. Do you understand what I'm saying? Turning it off to save battery is what saved our life. They can actually be hearing us right now. You have to destroy your phone and go to the crazy green place, okay? Do you understand what I mean by crazy green place? Okay. Just smash your phone and run. Okay. I love you.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2020 ⏰

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