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Today was the day. The day Jungkook was finally out of the hospital. The doctors had announced his recovery and with Taehyung's help, he was authorized to leave. As much as Jungkook liked being fed and housed for free, the hospital's atmosphere wasn't much of his liking. He never liked hospitals too much, so leaving was actually a good thing, especially since he wasn't homeless now.

Jungkook was currently getting dressed with casual clothes Taehyung had lent him for leaving. It was just a plain white shirt and a black jean slightly too big for his slim frame, but he wasn't complaining. It was appreciable to wear something other than the pastel green pajamas which color made him sick.

Once he was done dressing himself, Taehyung knocked and peeked his head through the slight opening of the door: "Hey Kook, you ready to leave ?" He asked softly, staring at the teenager with his big round eyes. The latter smiled slightly and nodded before walking forward and opening the door, making Taehyung almost lose his balance. He caught himself on time and chuckled: "I take that as a yes. My car is in front so it's whenever you want." Taehyung assured with his boxy smile.

Jungkook had still some doubts about his decision of staying with Taehyung. He was still on his guard, but for his and Echo's sake, he complied: "We can go now, I really wanna see other colors than white and pastels." Jungkook confessed and left the room first, forestalling Taehyung and managing to get down the stairs.

Once they were in the hall, the older rushed past Jungkook: "Stay here, I have to sign the discharge and some documents, wait for me here okay ?" He didn't move until Jungkook nodded and promised he would stay still. He watched as Taehyung was fidgeting around and quickly scribbling over a few papers. It was easy to catch the excitement on his face, with the way his bottom lip was trapped between his teeth, the way his eyes were wide and sparkly and the way his whole body was agitating itself, like a five year-old discovering he was going to Disneyland on his birthday.

Jungkook couldn't help the smile that drew on his face by watching the child-like adult from afar. His peaceful observation was nonetheless interrupted when he felt a pair of hands gripping on his shoulders followed by a high-pitched squeak: "Oh my goood it's you !" the voice screamed, and as brave as Jungkook claimed he was, he nearly pissed himself from the sudden shock.

His reflex was to let out a strangled yell and jump on his spot, frantically turning his head to confront a short orange-haired male who was grinning widely, causing his eyes to form two crescents: "U-Um... I--... What ?..." He was a stuttering mess, shrinking himself and trying to disappear from the embarrassment.

"Jimin fuck off you're scaring him !" Jungkook never was so glad to hear Taehyung's deep voice. He rushed beside him, absentmindedly trapping the other's arm between his owns while he was staring at the stranger with wide doe eyes.

"Watch your language Tae, there's a child !" The little man snapped back, pointing an accusing finger toward the taller male: "Really now ? He's nineteen, and you have to be one of the rudest human being I know !" Taehyung flicked Jimin's forehead, causing the latter to yelp and glare at him.

"Anyway." Jimin said dryly while rubbing his sore forehead, glaring a few more seconds before his gaze turned on the startled boy, his features immediately softening: "You're Jungkook, right ? I'm Jimin, this idiot's best friend."

The last sentence caused Taehyung to roll his eyes but he didn't said anything, looking himself at Jungkook with a fond smile: "No need to be scared Jungkook, he's kind." He was referring to the boy's arms still wrapped around his own.

It all took a few seconds for Jungkook to comprehend the situation, and several more to understand what Taehyung's words implied, until he realized the position he was in. His eyebrows shot up and he almost threw himself back, letting go of the man's arm as if he had touched fire: "I-I'm not scared !" He tried to sound as intimidating as possible, but failed miserably.

Jimin chuckled while observing the duo: "You're cute." He stated and Taehyung's ears became a light pink at the statement. He huffed and nudged Jimin's shoulder roughly: "Don't you have work anyway ?" he asked grumpily and Jimin only shrugged, already walking away: "I do. See you later Tae-Tae !" The aforementioned felt horribly embarrassed, his best friend being so carefree and even using his nickname in front of Jungkook. How was he supposed to impress the younger now ?

His thoughts got cut off when Jungkook started giggling cutely. After some observations, he noticed the boy's pupils were strangely dilated, and he didn't needed to think about what was happening when he heard the next words: "I'm glad you found such good friends." His voice sounded smoother, more adult-like, and Taehyung understood Jungkook wasn't himself at the moment.

He smiled widely and leaned closer to the other, to the point where their feet were touching: "It was hard at first but Jimin was always there for me." He said ever so softly, and Echo smiled through Jungkook, himself leaning closer to peck his soulmate's lips shortly. Taehyung savored the moment, conscious that it would be terribly long before Echo would make an appearance again.

"Let's go to the car, and I'll let Jungkook back once we get here." Taehyung nodded and they both exited the hospital, their hands intertwined in the process and without a care for the world.

"Jungkook wake up." Taehyung gently shook the teenager's shoulder after he stopped the car in front of the penthouse. The boy had a deep slumber, that was for sure. It took Tae another five minutes before Jungkook groaned but finally opened his eyes lazily: "We're here Kook."

The boy only nodded and got out of the car slowly, but when he saw the penthouse, any sign of tiredness disappeared instantly. His jaw dropped and he admired the luxurious property, not believing that Taehyung had so much money. Maybe his stay wasn't too bad after all: "That's your house ?!" He asked in disbelief, and Taehyung hummed in response, patting his jean's pockets to find his keys, seeming quite calm in Jungkook's opinion (but well he lived there, so it wasn't such a shock for the older).

They rapidly entered the house and Jungkook got even more shocked, his head snapping from left to right in order to catch as much details as possible. It caused Taehyung to chuckle: "You can visit you know." Jungkook gained back his senses and blushed a bit out of embarrassment: "Y-Yeah..." He muttered and tried to hide the excitement by walking slowly around the living room, tucking his hands in his pockets while doing so: 'I always knew he would succeed in life.' Echo affirmed proudly, and for once Jungkook didn't replied with a sass or a sarcasm, too busy to admire the fine decoration.

Taehyung watched his dear soulmate from afar, a dumb smile stuck on his face while doing so. He was so happy, he had waited all these years and now he was blessed with two souls to love and cherish. He sighed in content and sat down on his couch, admiring the beautiful boy before him with a fond look. God, he was already so whipped, but he didn't have any regrets.  

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