How It All Began

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I knock on the cold metal door, swinging myself back and forth on my heels, playing with the hem of my skirt, I knocked on the door again, "Come on! I dont want to be late!" I yelled, I heard voices before the door swung opened, "You're too slow Izu!" I teased my green haired friend, "Oh, Y/N, I didn't know it was you!" His mother, Inko cooed from behind him, "It's ok Mrs. Midoriya." She gently rubbed my arm, "Please, call me Inko." She smiled as Izu put on his favourite red shoes, "Sorry, I forget that sometimes." I apologize and Izu slipped passed her, standing next to me, "Have a good day, you two." I smiled and waved goodbye as we started walking to school, "What took you so long?" I asked, looking at him from the corner if my eye, "I didn't get much sleep last night." I nodded, "You worried about what school to go?" I asked and he nodded, I gave him a gentle pat on the back, "You'll be fine! And if any one says other wises, we'll show them wrong!" I announced to the whole world as Izu strached at the back of his head, embarrassed by me. The rest of the walk to school was me teasting and messing with Izu and him joking back.

Everything was.. Normal.

The bell had rung and the teacher stood infront of the class, telling us about what high schools others had applied for, "Bakugou, L/N and Midoriya, you three have all applied to U.A it seems." The class turned to Izu as he stunk into his desk, no one but me believe in Izu or even liked him, they held hate and malice towards the small boy.

All because he didn't have a quirk.

Bakugou, however, took it a step further, "You shouldn't have applied, they wont accept a quirkless nobody like you." He spoke with that all to familiar shit eating grin on his face, "Well if being qurikless and a nobody wont get you into U.A, I'd say your chances are next to none as well, Bakugou." Each word I said seemed to be dripped with more vemon that the last, "What was that, extra?" He yelled, glaring hard as he started up some small explosions in his hands, "Did I stutter?" I asked, keeping me face blank as always, "You'll regret saying that." He turned away from me, "All bark, no bite." I whispered, but loud enough for him to hear me. The teacher carried on the lesson, ignoring what happened. I turned around to Izu, giving him a soft smile before looking back at the blackboard.

Before I knew it, it was time to go home and time for summer vacation to start. I put my books away and slung my bag over my shoulders and walking over to Izu desk, "Hey, wanna go to the park? Ive got some money so we can have ice scream or something." I asked as he put his books away but one fell to the floor, before either of us could move someone had already picked it up, "Can you just fuck off for once, Bakugou?" I said, Izu looking a bit shocked at my language, "I'm not done with you yet, L/N!" He took a quick look through the notebook, "You're just another fan boy, you'll never be them! I'll be the greatest hero, I'll beat All Might!" Bakugou punched the notebook and it exploded between his palms, "HA! You, a hero, you're more villian then hero!" I laughed, but I seemed to be the only one who found it funny. Bakugou through the burnt notebook out of the open window, "Do  every one a favor and do what that notebook did! Jump!" As he spoke, I walked up to him, "You foul, evilsome, little cockroach!" I nearly screamed as I punch him, popping his nose. Bakugou put a hand up to his nose, blood trickling from it. He turned to face me and swung at me, I couldn't move fast enough as he used his quirk to punch me both faster and harder then I did to him. My back hit the wall, the air being knocked out of me, I fell to the floor trying to breath.

Without another word, he left. I turned to face Izu, he'd stayed sat in his seat the whole time and didnt say a word. Once my breathing was ok, I stood up and looked out the window, looking down to find the notebook, "Its in the koi pond.. You're notebook.." I turned and saw Izu leaving, he didn't say a word as he left the classroom.

I tried ran to catch up to him, but my body was aching, "Izuku!" I called out but my words didnt reach him. He stood by the koi pond and reached for his notebook, but stopped just before his fingers touched the water, "Izuku!" I stood next to him, breathing hard, I reached out to touch him but he moved away, "Why are you here?" He was quite, his voice had nothing behind it, but he was louding this time, "Are you here just to pity me?" His voice grew with each word, "I don't need your pity!" He almost screamed, I took a step back.. In fear. He didn't stop, "Why did you attack Kacchan? Why didn't I stop you or him?" He seemed so angry, "This is all my fault because I'm weak!" He was shaking, "Because I don't have a QUIRK!" His voice cracked as screamed those words.

His eyes never left his notebook as the koi fish poked at it, "I would be better of dead.." He whispered turning his back to me and walking away. I watched him walk away, but before I known it my legs started moving on their own as I broke out into a sprit, I ran in front of him and stop but he tried to walk around me, "Izuku, listen to me!" I yelled, I didn't know what I was saying or what I was tring to accomplish, "For 10 years now you've believe you can be a hero without a quirk! And I have too! I've never given up on you! I know you can be a better hero then Bakugou could dream to be! So why now have you stopped?! You're on the brink of being one of the few with OUT a qiurk to get into U.A.! I know you'll get in, I know you will.." I just ranted at him, but he didnt seem fazed by anything I said, he just stood there, not once looking up at me, "I know you will because.. I believe in you." I finished, staring at the green boy, waiting for him to do something.

I had tears in my eyes and my body was shaking but.. Izu didnt move. He continued to look at the ground, but soon he started walking again but as he walked around me, "You're the only person who believe in me, Y/N." He said, his voice was cold and dry. It didnt sound like the Izuku I knew.. Izuku I grew up with.. The Izuku who always believed..

The Izuku I loved.

I watched as he walked away, I couldn't stop him. I wanted to run after him but.. I couldn't.

I started walking the other away once I didn't see Izu anymore, and as I pasted the koi pond I saw his notebook, still floating there. I don't know why but I just picked it up. I shock the book a little and collect the water into a small ball, putting it back into the koi pond until it was dry, but most of the out side was burnt, and looked through the pages most where still intact. I saw he'd between taking notes on heros, drawing little doddles of them and writing about the cons and pros.. I looked at each page as I walked home, on one of the pages was a hero costume, it looked like a green suit with bunny ears and a mask with a smile, "Saving the day with a smile, just like All Might." I mutter to myself, the last page of his notebook had a different drawing on it.. "Me? Why would he.." I looked over Izuku's notes of me, to him I didn't have any cons but a lot of pros, I smiled as I read over it.

Name : Y/N L/N
Quirk : Elemental
              Can manipulate any of the 4 elements - Water, Earth, Fire, Air.
- can also control element type quirks.
- can control them without touching them

Pros : -most quirks dont hurt her as much -she can control two elements at once
-she's intelligence and good under pressure
-she's //////////
-she always does the right thing, even if she's not supposed to
-good hand to hand combat
-good at defusing a bad situation
Cons : //////////////////////////////////

There was something written by cons but it had been scribbled over. Around the page where little scribbled out drawings, but I couldn't tell what they where. The drawing he did of me was me in my school uniform, smiling and waving.

I closed the notebook and held it tightly against my chest, closing my eyes and smiling.

I didn't realized at the time, that the notebook would soon be all that remain of him.

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