The Aftermath

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The next day Izuku was reported missing. Me and Inko searched all over the city trying to find him, but we never found anything. Not even a hint as to where he might be. It started to look like he disappeared of the face of the Earth. Then, in the middle of August, during the summer break, it happened..

Izuku Midoriya.. My bestfriend.. Was found dead.

I didn't believe it. I couldn't believe it. I refused to believe it. But.. It was true and the truth hurts. It hurts like hell.

He.. He committed suicide.

Me and Inko started to plan for the funeral, my uncle helped cover the costs, it was the least he could do. Both me and Inko where a mess, I might have lost my best friend but she lost her son.

On the day of the funeral, not many people turned up. After all, not many people like Izuku. After the burial, people places flowers by the grave stone and left one by one until it was just me and Inko. We didnt say anything but just stood in silence.

Inko couldn't hold it after a while a left, saying she'd come back tomorrow. I sat down in front of the grave stone, "Izu, I brought you something.." I pulled out his hero notebook that I kept, "I've kept this because it reminded me of you.." I placed it down in front of the flowers, tears threatening to fall, "If I knew what would of happened I would of tried harder.." I couldn't hold it back anymore, "This is all my fault.." I sat in front of my bestfriends grave, crying to myself. It felt like I was crying for hours until I felt a hand on my back, it made me jump a little.

I looked over my shoulder to see who was there, "B.. Bakugou?" I croaked out, my voice breaking from crying, he placed a single white lily down with the other flowers, "I did this.." He muttered, his voice was soft and filled with regret, "I pushed him to far." I turned to face him, he face held no emotions but his eyes, the regret and guilt in his eyes.. "We've both to blame." I added looking back at the grave, Bakugou kept his hand on my back as we sat in silence, "I.. I didn't hate him.." Bakugou muttered, I looked over at him, "We where good friends at one point.. Until I got my quirk.." He seemed to be talking to himself more then me, but I still listened, "People where afraid of my quirk.. I felt that I always need to prove myself." I put a hand on his shoulders, gently squeezing it, "Deku was never afraid of me.." He became silent after that.

After some time, Bakugou stod up and.. Held his hand out to me, "Wanna get a bite to eat or something?" He asked, some what unsure of himself, I nodded and took his hand. We left the cemetery and made our why into town. We walked to a small cafe, "What do you want? I'll pay." He asked, reading over the small menu, "Wanna share some fries?" I offered, he shrugged so I took it as a yes.

We spent the next few hours talking about stuff and eating, talking to cope with our lose. We started talked about each others quirks, "What is it that lets you make your explosions?" I asked, placing a fry in my mouth,  "It my sweat, it's a nitroglycerin like sweat that lets me make my explosions." I nodded and he spoke, "What about you?" He asked, probably because I asked about his, "I can control the 4 main elements, so water, earth, fire and air. I can also control people who have quirks related to them." I answered, "What about my qurik? Can you control that?" He had a smirk on his face as he asked, "Well yes but actually no. You see, if you make a big enough explosion I could control it to a degree and because of that, you're quirk wont hurt me as much as it would others." I answered, but that didnt seem like the answer he wanted to hear, "So if someone has a quirk to do with your quirk.. It won't hurt you?" He seemed annoyed, "It will hurt, just not as much." I looked at the spiky boy, was he planning something? Bakugou let out a chuckle, "You applied to U.A. as well didn't you?" I nodded, unsure of where this was leading, "We have about a month until the entrance exam." He stated, I just stared at him, "What I'm trying to say is, I need to train and if my quirk won't hurt you-" I cut him off, "Wanna train together?" I asked for him, he simply nodded, "Sure.. Uh here?" I ripped a bit of my napkin off and used a pen I got of a waiter to written my phone number down, handing it to Bakugou, "Call me when you want to train." As soon as he took the paper I stood up and walked over to him. I dont know why.. But I hugged him. I left after I let go of him. Leaving him in the cafe by himself.

Bakugou called me a few days later, asking to train. I agreed to met up with him and spar. That how the next month went.

Met up, spar hand to hand, spar with quirks, take a break, go for a run, spar once more then go home.

Today was the day before the exam, we decided not to train today, thinking we had both train enough. "You ready from tomorrow?" I asked as we stood on the beach, "You know it, extra." I rolled my eyes and looked out on the sea, "Izu would of loved this view.." I muttered, he loved his beach until it began overflowed with trash, but one day, there wasn't a single piece of trash in sight. I heard Bakugou sigh, we both still missed him.

I sat down on the sand, pulling Bakugou down to sit with me. We sat and watched the sunset together, I felt Bakugou put his arm around my waist. I didn't say anything but instead put my head on his shoulder, he seemed tense at first but soon relaxed, putting his head on mine.

We continued to watch the sunset like that. Just enjoying each others company.

After the sunset Bakugou took his arm from around my waist, "We should get home soon, we need to be at U.A. early tomorrow." I nodded and stood up, Bakugou not far behind me as we walked in silence.

Bakugou walked me to my house, "Good luck, extra." I giggled at him, "Good Luck." I wave goodbye and close the door.

I wish you could be here, Izuku. 

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