A small mistake. [DaehyunBAP] Boring one. -.-

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Walked hand in hand in the Seoul Mall with you're boyfriend, Jung Daehyun.

"Jagiya, let's eat cheesecake. I'm hungryy.. Pweasse" He pouted.

"Hah. Arasso arasso" You pinch his cheek.

You both went to the cafe, order some drinks and cheesake and sat down there.

You stare at Daehyun. He looked like a BIG kid eating an ice cream. Then you laughed suddenly when he drink his coffee.

"Oi. What are you laughing at ah?" He looked at you.

"Oppa! You grew a moustache" You laughed. At first he was totally confuse, then TING TING TING!

"Yah! I'm not. Please wipe it for mee.." He whined.

"Wipe it by you're self, kiddo" You chuckled and drank you're cappucino.

You looked at him, who was staring blank at you. His hands was on his lap, then you sigh.

"Arasso. Here" You took the tissue in you're bag and handing it to him. But he denied and want you to kiss him.

"Yah, Are you crazy? We're in public, Jung Daehyun. Aissh" You hissed and cross you arm on you're chest.

"Arasso" He sigh and wipe it. No more moustache on his face anymore. You kinda felt guilty as you both went out of the cafe.

"Oppa, mianhe." You said quietly and all you heard is 'hmmmm..'

You stop, make Daehyun stop too.

"I'm sorry. Oppppaaa.." You cried like child, totally no tears and hug him.

"It's my fault though. Mianhe" He mumbled and broke the hug, peck on you're lips.

"Kajja. Let's go somewhere today" He smiled.

- dxmxpls.  ^^

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