Tape One: Lets Start at the Beginning

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Eh-hem *cough cough* mic check 1,2,3, Okay it's working. Um hello, my name is Blaz Scarlet, I know, weird but my parents picked it because it is a German name that means unwavering protector. This is the first tape of many to come about the events of my huge mess of a life. Now, where should I start this,-- Does it matter just start anywhere-- oh yes and this is my friend pulse, I say friend loosely because he is just another personality in my brain. Fine then start anywhere you say, I'll start at a random spot. The buildings shadow easily represented its grandeur both in symbolism and in importance, also it said Kenny Inc on the huge sign outside, so there was that too.--Jesus christ fine, why don't you start at the beginning of all of it, please; so they at least know what is going on in your sad excuse for a life-- Hey it's your life too I was just fucking with you, fine let's see the beginning. My mom was a barmaid in the... let's say the more unfortunate side of town and my dad was an alcoholic so he was at the bar a lot, and I mean a lot a lot.--Was he anything else.-- Yeah but his job makes him seem cool.--Just tell then idiot.-- Uuuuuhg fine, he was also the leader of a biker gang known as the Scarlet Reapers, obviously, he named it after himself. The Scarlet Reapers were the well known throughout the town as people no one wants to fuck with, and my mom was into bad boys. So 17-year-old barmaid Juliet met 25-year-old alcoholic Romeo, and bada bing bada boom 9 months later I was shat out my madre's cooch.--I'm glad you're so ecstatic about being born.-- Well, that is how it happened. Anyway, life was very somber from age 1 to 10, let's just say my dad was too poor to afford a punching bag so he used me to work out, and my mom didn't care, she was to busy hooking up with other men. However, something changed at age 10, my baby brother and sister were born, they were twins, Tomas and Maria. So to prevent my dad from treating then the same as me I had to start getting creative, putting thumb-tacks on the floor, razors in his boxing gloves, mase in his cologne, etc. This way he was completely focused on beating the ever-living shit out of me and stayed away from the twins. But that all ended when I was 13, New years eve parents are driving home, guess what, they're drunk, train tracks warning coming down, but of course a drunk biker is going to try and beat a train. Then wham, another reason to celebrate new years was born and by the way it takes a freight train around the length of 18 football fields to stop, so they were fucking destroyed LMAO.--Fucking Christ Blaz these are your parents.-- No, they just both participated in giving birth to me, the only parent I have is me. So now I'm a 13-year-old needing money, so first I buckled down and spent all my free time taking care of the twins and studying. Then I see an article in the paper "test subject needed for experimental brain surgery, the subject will be compensated" and I needed the money and it's not like anyone will hire a kid my age. I show up at the lab building and they have me sit in a room with like 50 other people and a giant screen. The screen would put up random personality, intelligence, or psychology questions and you would have to answer in the time given. At the end of it, a guy in a lab coat went through the room collecting the papers, and then we just waited for around 2 hours, we just sat there staring silently. Then he came in passing out cards, mine was blank. Then he says, "Okay when I call your name I want you to walk out the door and come to me." About 20 people in he called my name, I walk to him and he tells me to walk threw the door on the left. When I enter the room I'm the only person in there.--So the room was empty.-- No, how could it be empty, I was in it. It is physically impossible to be in an empty room soooo...--Okay I get it, just continue.-- 30 minutes pass by then the doctor comes in saying congratulations you're the only person that passed. Now if you could kindly follow me and refrain from asking any questions, we walked through the back door into a whole separate part of the building that looked like a surgery room. If you could please enter the bathroom and change into the clothes that I've provided you. Okay, you may call me Dr. N, now about the procedure; there is a theory out there that in the human brain exists 2 entities. However only one of these entities has access to the brain, therefore that entity has complete access to the body and consciousness. I dedicate my research on trying to enable both entities to have access to the brain, just think of what that second entity could be hiding. So basically we'll be trying to activate your second entity. I ask " Um and if I refuse to participate." To which he responds " We are offering you $5,000,000." Where do I sign up.--Okay we get it, creepy doctor, surgery, just fast-forward to the end of the boring shit-- Fine, okay I'll go to the end of the surgery. I wake up, and I was expecting to have a massive headache after brain surgery, but no I began thinking more clearly than I ever have before. All N says is here's your $5,000,000 now leave. Wait what happened. It failed your brain waves are completely normal, I don't know what wrong, I did everything correctly. I guess the theory is just that, a theory, NOW LEAVE!! I'm skating home and all of a sudden-- Wait let me tell this part. so when was first born all there was darkness, I had nobody, no voice, just darkness. Then one day there was light, I was in a body but someone else controlled it. But all of a sudden I remembered everything, and when I say everything I mean everything. Everything this body was capable of and will be capable of, everything is body experienced and who controlled it. I felt that the other man in the room couldn't be trusted so I waited for Blaz to leave the building. Then I simply said-- Then I heard someone say "Yo what is the up, My Name is PULSE."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2020 ⏰

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