Chapter 2: The Goddess of Nature

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"Hey, get up," someone said, shaking me. My hearing started to come back, and I opened my eyes a little bit. Viridi's hazel-gold eyes were looking at me with some concern, her long blond hair spiraling down towards the ground. She was kneeling next to me. I wonder if she could tell it's me or not.

I grunted, pushing myself off the ground to sit up. I rubbed my head, and I finally opened my eyes all the way. The goddess frowned and then gasped.

"Wait," she shook her head, "Hold on, Pit?!"

She stared at me with disbelief. I guess my eyes gave it away. If I kept them closed, I could've just looked like any other human with light-tan skin and spiky brown hair. It was quite rare for a person with those traits to have blue eyes, let alone the shade of blue I have. Lady Palutena always told me she's never seen anyone with that exact shade of blue for eyes.

I shyly nodded at Viridi.

"Yup..." I laughed nervously, "It's me..."

She stared at me, scanning me up and down.

"Where were you?!" She screamed, "And where are your wings?!"

"I don't know!" I exclaimed, a little bit angry that those are the first two things people who know me asked me so far, "I literally just woke up realizing my wings were gone and that I was missing for months! I don't know how or why, I really wish I knew so I could fix it!"

I covered my mouth, a little bit taken aback about what I just did. I lashed out at a goddess. A goddess who really seems to hate me.

"I-I'm sorry—"

"No, it's fine, Pit," Viridi sighed, "I just... I never even knew this was possible. Like, okay, I know I'm a goddess and all, but even we have limitations. Who could be so powerful to remove an angel's wings? That's crazy talk! Back when you angels were still very populous, it was impossible to remove their wings— well, except with fire, but that leaves their feathers scorched! Yours are just not there! Not a trace! No god or goddess can remove an angel's wings like yours were! That's just..."

She paused with her ranting. She covered her face with her hand as her other one hugged herself by the waist. Even though she didn't like me very much and we have some beef, I moved in closer and wrapped my arm around her shoulder. It's kinda weird that she decided to appear in person, but that makes it easier for me to comfort her. She may be mean to me, but I will spread my kindness. She looked up at me with an expression that told me she didn't expect me to do that.

"Pit?" She frowned a little.

"Hey, it's fine," I smiled weakly, "I—"

"No!" She pushed me away, "This is not okay, Pit! Do you have any idea what this means?"
I stared blankly at her.

"It means I'm not an angel anymore, I know," I frowned.

"No, not just that!" Viridi face palmed herself, "Think deeper. I'll guide you to the answer. So what's the effect of you not being an angel anymore?"

"I can't help Lady Palutena as effectively?" I asked.

"Okay, closer," Viridi cocked her head, "So because you're not there for her...?"

"She's gone mad?"

"And what happened because she's gone mad and isn't here?"

"She's grieving and doesn't care about helping humanity?"

"Yup," Viridi nodded again.

I stared at her with confusion. I thought she wanted to exterminate humans! She literally had a whole factory made for Reset Bombs, which kill humans and everything made by them in the area the bomb sets off in, and make that specific area turn back to its original state. So now I'm just confused.

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