Chapter 7: The Rewind Spring

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Viridi, Pittoo, Hecate, Poseidon, and I began to make our way towards the entrance to Lady Palutena's gardens that led to the entrance of the temple itself. I felt weird being here as a human. There was no strong connection that I always felt when I was still an angel.

"So," Viridi began, walking next to me, "How do you feel about seeing your precious Palutena again?"

I gulped. We were approaching the entrance to the building.

"I'll admit," I said, "I'm a little terrified. This place looks like a haunted house right now. Who knows what level of insanity she's at."

As if it was on cue, I heard laughter echoing through the entrance of the temple. It's like her laugh in Smash as she's taunting, but more... menacing. More terrifying. It gave me the chills.

Pit, did you seriously cross the fourth wall again?!

I saw Viridi glaring at me. I was only trying to describe what the laugh sounded like!

I think I took away the eerie feeling.

Great job, I heard Viridi say again.

Oh my gods, Viridi, shut up! You can read this book or whatever later! Sheesh!

"Stop arguing mentally," I heard Pittoo say behind us, "I'm getting a headache. And that laughter isn't helping, either."

"Sorry," I told him. I forgot he was also getting Viridi's telepathic messages.

"Honestly, you children need to stop," Poseidon muttered.

"Okay, I know we're allies," Viridi look back and frowned at him, "But call me a child again. I dare you."

"Very funny coming from the youngest goddess as of now," Poseidon folded his arms.

"Guys, please," I begged, "We're about to deal with a goddess that went insane! If we're going to calm her down, we need to work as a team in case something goes wrong!"

Viridi and Poseidon both sighed.

"Who's the child now, Poseidon?" Hecate rolled her eyes.

"Please," I begged again before Poseidon can retort.

Poseidon glared at the mid-twenties looking goddess as she shrugged. Maybe that's Hecate's physical age. I don't know how old she really is as a goddess. Most gods don't like to share that kind of information.

The laughter came again. It really did sound insane.

"Let's just go in," Pittoo pushed past me, walking inside. I ran to his side and walked next to him, the gods following behind us. I gripped my blades harder, terrified of what's to come. The five of us slowly crept through the halls that I knew so well.

"Do you think you have an idea of where she might be?" Pittoo whispered to me.

I heard the laugh echo again. It came from the right.

"There," I pointed, keeping my voice low.

That hall happened to lead to another hall that led to her main room. She had to be there. That's where she would usually hang out when I happened to be in the temple.

We crept down the hall, trying to not make any noise so we don't startle her. It was so dark, Hecate formed a rainbow-ish fire-orb in her hands to give some light. She stepped in front of the rest of us to light up our path. It definitely brightened the place up a bit, but it showed how ruined everything was now. All the cloth was torn, the floors and wall were cracked, the pillars were dirty, cobwebs on the ceiling... Countless things made this setting very uncomfortable and disturbing.

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