She's Not Yours (Ivar)

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Pairing: Ivar x Reader

Word count: 2,009

Warnings: slight cussing, mild threatening, mild violence, angst, appearances by Ubbe, Bjorn, and Torvi

Requested: Sort of. @tephi101​ wanted some angst. Hope this is angsty enough for you, love. <3

Summary: Y/N's ex takes it upon himself to threaten her current boyfriend and then go to her and beg her to come back to him... Does all go well? Does someone get hurt? Who ends up with who?

You were finally happy... After all the bad relationships and drama in your life, you could finally say that you had found someone you could call a "good guy." You met Leif through Bjorn. Bjorn had met him on the last raid he had been on. He was one of the men stationed in York who decided to return with Bjorn. He decided to introduce you at the feast and you have been nearly inseparable since. Of course, your last relationship was nearly the same, however, it was with Bjorn's brother Ivar... He became a little too possessive for your liking and you decided you needed time apart. You weren't sure what you wanted, you only knew you wanted to be happy. Tonight, you were at a wedding celebration for one of Leif's friends. You sat at a table with Torvi, Ubbe, and Bjorn while Leif was off talking to his friend.

"So, Y/N... how's life?" Ubbe asks you with a knowing smirk.

"It's well, actually," you giggle at him. "Leif is amazing. He doesn't try to control me like someone we know," you tell him, making him laugh. He nods his head.

"We all understand that," Torvi laughs. Bjorn leans over and whispers in your ear.

"You have an audience," he says so only you can hear before he nods his head towards the throne where your ex, Ivar sits, glaring at you. You roll your eyes as you turn back to the people at your table.

"Yea, well, he can fuck right off," you say angrily as you cross your arms. Ubbe laughed making you shoot your eyes up to meet his. "What the fuck is so funny?"

"Nothing... Just you two," Ubbe says.

"There is no us two," you tell him.

"Yea, okay," Ubbe scoffs. That's why he gets his fill of thralls but hasn't taken a wife? You know he still wants you."

"Well, that's too bad for him. He would have been better off not being a controlling dick," you say as you shoot a glare in his direction.

"I'm sorry he hurt you," you hear Bjorn say beside you.

"It's not your fault, Bjorn. He should know better," you tell him as he nods. You stand from the table to go find Leif. "I think I'm gonna go find Leif. Let him know I'm going home."

"Are you sure, Y/N? We weren't trying to upset you," Torvi says apologetically.

"No, it's alright. I know you weren't. It's not you. I just want to be alone for a while," you explain as you walk off to find Leif. You walk up to him standing with a few other people and tap him on his shoulder.

"Hey, Y/N. Everything ok?" he asks you.

"Yea, it's fine. I'm not feeling all that great, so I think I'm gonna head home and lie down," you lie through your teeth as you watch his face fall slightly.

"What's wrong? Do you want me to walk you?" Leif asks concerned.

"No, no... I'll be fine. I probably just didn't eat enough before I drank all that ale," you explain.

"Alright. I'll come by and check on you tomorrow," Leif tells you before placing a soft kiss to your cheek making your face flush slightly pink. You turn and walk out of the hall and began your walk home. It was a quiet, clear night which you were glad for. You loved looking up at the night sky at the stars. You sat on the ground in front of your house and gazed up at the stars while you thought. Remembering when you and Ivar first met, you were intrigued by him. You had never met anyone like him and you were sure you never would again. He never really showed his true feelings to anyone but you. Back in the hall, most of the people had cleared out before Ivar had made the decision to approach Leif.

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