Chapter 1: Archery in the Camp

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Nico always plays sword fighting but for now he tried archery. After Nico eat his chicken fillet and rice on the Cabin 13 with Hazel,they walk through the woods and go to Percy and Annabeth,Hazel said. I am going to Frank,Leo,Piper and Jason for awhile to play mythological games. Ok. Nico said. When Hazel leaves,Nico told Percy and Annabeth if archery is easy. Annabeth said. No,it's not easy Nico,you have to study,read books about archery and practice a lot . Yes,she's right Nico. Percy said. Even I the hero of Camp Half-Blood can't play the archery right. Maybe if I try....... I can get a bullseye on the target.Nico said. C'mon Nico,Annabeth and I will tell Chiron that you want to be trained on archery. Then they walked to Chiron that is training other half-bloods. Percy said. Chiron,Nico wants to learn archery. Good. Chiron said. Cause I have many spaces more for half-bloods to be trained on archery. C'mon Nico,I will show you how to play archery. And then Nico and Chiron went to a place where there are many kids that are practicing archery,bows,arrows,ambrosia, and targets. Alright,Nico. Chiron said. First, you have to relax. Second,you have to steady at your place. Three,focus on the or on your target and shoot! Bullseye! Now you do it Nico. Please help me Bianca.Nico said. Your my only hope on archery. Alright,relax steady,focus. Then Nico shot the arrow. Nico claws his eyes and then Chiron said. Bullseye! And when Nico open his eyes,he was shocked that it is on the middle of the red circle. Thanks,Bianca. Nico said. I'll never done it without you.

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