~Deep waters~

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(Y/N) laid on the cold stones that set at the bottom of the lake.
Lost in a daydream gazing up at the surface.

~ it looks so beautiful from down here.. I don't know what it is about it but.. for whatever reason.. as long as I can remember, I've always had this weird fascination with what's beyond this lake..
Almost as if something is drawing me to it, daring me to venture out.

Even with all the gruesome story's I've heard..
I can't help but wonder what it's like, what it looks like... And what could be so bad that they wouldn't want anyone going to the surface...~

(Y/N) sat quietly in contemplation as her mind went over everything.

~There's got to be more to life than this lake..
I just wish..I wish..~

*(Y/N)? Did you even hear what I just said?*

Slightly startled by my mother, I Snapped out of my daydream.
Sitting up i turned my full attention to her,
She was patiently waiting for an answer.

*Um...yes?* I said slightly wincing as I spoke.

*Mhm what did I say then?*
Mom asked, as a smirk grew on her face knowing i clearly hadn't heard a single word.

*Um... I..uh.. I didn't hear you, I'm sorry*
(Y/N) admitted, knowing she couldn't fool her mom.

* Haha I kind of thought you might say that* (Y/N)'s mother said with a giggle * I had asked if you were coming in soon? Dinner is done and it's getting late*

(Y/N) looked around realizing just how dark it was.
*Huh when did that happen?*
(Y/N) looked at the sundial near their house and chuckled to herself as she realized she'd been out here for 5 hours.

Her mom smiled and rolled her eyes, then put her hand out signaling (Y/N) to come inside with her.

Which (Y/N) happily did, taking one last glance up at the surface before going in.


The next morning i got up early and decided to go out to "THE DEEP" which was the deepest point in the whole lake, very few went there.
Let alone willingly, but I always enjoyed the eerie place.
And I'm not as likely to be disturbed.
But today it seemed i wasn't so lucky, on arrival i noticed a whole group of merfolk there.
Swimming closer i realized it was my work crew, they were having a party.

*Um.. excuse me.. but what are you guys doing here?...* (Y/N) asked a guy who was close by.
She was still slightly shocked by the sight before her.

*Thought we'd have some fun, would you like to joi-* the merboy stopped mid-sentence once he turned around and seen it was (Y/N), And suddenly looked annoyed.

*Oh, it's you.*

I didn't know what to say, especially with as rude as he was being.. why did he have to be so rude?
My head began to hang as I realized I wasn't welcome.
I always knew they didn't like me...
But until now, I never realize just how much that was..

*I-i- I've got to go-* (Y/N) quickly swam off.

As Soon as I got home I started heading towards my room, I just really wanted to be alone right now..
I was about to go in my room when mother swam in.

*Hey sweetie, I noticed you weren't here when I left this morning, how did everything go at the deep en-* her mom stopped when she seen her.
*(Y/N)? Is everything OK?*

(Y/N) stared at her door, afraid to look away that her face might break with the pain.
*I-i'd rather not talk about it..if that's okay?..* (Y/N) said, her eyes never leaving her door.

~ An Unlikely Love Story~ Jareth XreaderWhere stories live. Discover now