Chapter 61

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Alyssa had gone out with Chris to walk. After being in bed for 4 days, there was no stopping that woman from getting up and moving. I was sitting in bed looking at the shot wound. Nurse Brassard had changed the dressing earlier in the day.

There was a light knock on the door followed by Alex's figure walking in. He sat on the chair beside my bed asking how I was feeling. I failed to respond to his question, noticing the oddness of his expression. He rubbed the back of his head, awkwardly; then scooted the chair closer to the bed. He spoke in a low tone, asking me not to get mad as he said this.

"I just overheard something between your friend Paul and your ex I think." He said.


"Yeah, they were standing outside the room and I was in the bathroom. They're plotting something Jason. Paul invited Christina down here and she was mad because he didn't tell her that Alyssa was here. He told her that if she wanted her chance to ruin the relationship it was now that you two were fresh off of a fight and she was feeling sick."

I couldn't believe what he was telling me. Paul didn't even like Christina, why would he do such a thing? He should know what inviting her down here would do.

Wait... that's how she always knew where I was! That's why she was in San Diego and why Alyssa asked if I had gone to Darling to be with Christina. Since when did they speak? He couldn't possibly hate Alyssa enough to actually bring Christina back. I thanked Alex, assuring him that I would be taking care of this before it got out of hand, but to not mention a word to Alyssa. She was still in a weak state. I didn't need her stressing out about this. He nodded, promising to let me handle all of it. If it wasn't one thing it was another. First we got shot and now Paul was a traitor.



The incision on my stomach wasn't hurting too much, but I was starving and wanted to desperately drink water. I wasn't being allowed to do either yet. The doctor said one more day, so in the meantime, it was artificial food for me and ice chips all around. My legs were aching with the exercise they were finally getting. Chris walked slowly with me, holding onto my arm and stopping whenever I needed to stop. We went around the immediate area, then I asked him to take me to my parents' room. My mom was sitting by the window scrolling through her phone, probably looking at all the backed up orders she had. I didn't want to even think about the backed up orders we had.

"Hi mom," I smiled as Chris helped me into the room.

She looked up and gasped, rushing to help me in.

"I'm so happy you're here!" she cried, kissing my cheek.

Matthew came off his bed to hug me as well and asked me how I was feeling. Surprisingly good, even with all the soreness around my incision.

Chris jokingly said it was all the morphine they'd given me. My mom and Matthew gave me concerned looks. When I was 15, I'd gotten beaten with a chain. The order that had done it had broken my fibula and three of my ribs. Along with all that was all the bruising he'd left behind as well. The hospital had put me on morphine and after a while, I'd gotten addicted to it. Weaning me off of it was hell, but I got through that hurtle. Since then, whenever someone makes mention of me taking morphine, my parents get concerned that my addiction will start up again.

"I only got morphine yesterday, I'm good now. They let me shower this morning so now all I want to do is eat and get out of this gown." I said.

"Don't rush it, let the doctor give you this stuff when it's time." my mom advised.

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