Ch 1: So much for my fantasy...

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Y/n pov 

I look up to see a... cowboy and an angel staring at me the cowboy looks serious but the angel is concerned. Weird... I stare at them and break the silence "Do you need something?" I ask and they look a little shocked. The cowboy then speaks up "well partner ya think kids likes you would be scared in such a mess..." he says while shooting somebody.

I glare at him insulted by his comment "do not judge me by age cowboy..." I growl at him and he chuckles lightly making me raise a brow. "What?" I ask him keeping my glare. He looks at the angel smirking "think we should take him back with us" he says and my eyes widen. This bitch tryin to take my ass?!?! Hell no!

Before he says another word I take a mad dash as far as I can, making me way around the corner. Unfortunately I'm face to face with omnics... You've got to be kidding me.. I take out my (F/c) scythe and rotate it at a brisk pace creating a a hurricane knocking away the bots.

I notice the cowboy, accompanied by the anglel, running towards me and I get into another fighting stance ready to fight "BACK AWAY KIDNAPPERS!!" I shout making a pout. The cowboy stops and puts up his hands to chest level "Woah there kid don't shoot. Me and Angela here wanna make a deal with you" he says smiling. I give him a look and glare "A deal huh? What, you gonna torture and kill me? I don't think so!" I say with venom on my tongue.

The cowboy looks at the angel as if he was looking for help.. I see the angel sigh and walk towards me I keep up my stance tho. She smiles at me warmly... why do they smile so much it's creepy. "Hello there my name is Angela my friend over there is Mcree. We weren't going to kill you we just wanted you to join overwatch." She informs me. "I... know of overwatch I suppose it shouldn't be too bad...." I mumble enough for her to hear and she hugs me making my face light up a bit. Nobody has hugged me in a while...

When she let's me go I stand there twiddling my fingers still embarrassed. She chuckles lightly at my actions and picks me up like the smol child I am. "H-hey what are doing?!" I say trying to escape her grasp "my apologies you looked so cute." She says giggling. "I merely agreed to accompany you there is no need to embrace me!" I say finally escaping, my face still a tomato.

The cowboy mutters something "tough guy here is softie" I give him a quick glare "so when do we depart it seems your foes have been taken care of" I say seriously(but since you're a kid you just look cute as heck XD) I hear a male voice with a Japanese accent behind me "Angela, Mcree where were you two and..." he points at me "Why is there a child here?" I turn around to a see a robotic ninja? "Excuse me robot ninja you could've asked for my name ya know!" I say with sass. He squats down to my height "Very well ... what's your name then?" He asks me. "Hmph.. tell me yours first" I pout making him chuckle "my name is Genji Shimada... Now will you tell me your name?" He asks. "(Y/n)..." I mumble.. making Angela chime in "Well then (Y/n) welcome to overwatch!" She says happily.

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