Wrong to be Right or Stark's are Made of Iron but Run on Batteries

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A.N. Can I just say how thankful I am to everyone who reads this story. I had decided to write this as a way to cope with what happened in Endgame and honestly had no real plan for what I was going to write after that first chapter, but it has evolved into so much more than I thought it would. As always, if you have any suggestions feel free to comment them. Also, if you want I have a Clintasha book you can check out, that one has a much more constant update schedule than this one. 

Peter's P.O.V.

I was patrolling the city when an alert popped up on my HUD, it was about the hero they were calling Ironheart. It didn't have an issue with her – at least I assumed it was a girl in the suit based of the design, which was a mixture of Tony and Pepper's suits – I was just worried about her. I hadn't really had a chance to talk to her but based on what I heard she sounded pretty young.

"What's happening Karen?" I asked as I corrected my path to where her battle was happening.

"It appears that Lady Octopus has resurfaced and the two are fighting in an old warehouse by the docks."

"Thank you, K." I hadn't been swinging for long when the alert about Ironheart appeared. "I got it, Karen, I'm on my way."

"That wasn't me Peter, another system hacked into the suit and sent through this notification."

I furrowed my brows, "Pull up the full notification."

"Of course, Peter."

My HUD soon lit up red with notification, which included a body scan that had a red exclamation point over the torso. My stomach dropped, while I wasn't one-hundred percent certain who Ironheart was, I had an inkling. I hadn't told Pepper, yet because she had been handling her battles pretty well, along with not wanting to add any more stress to Pepper's life.

"Karen, display the quickest route to Ironheart's location and call Doctor Strange, tell him the location and tell him it's an emergency." I knew that Strange was a neurosurgeon, or at least had been, but I figured he'd know someone that could help.

It felt like forever and yet no time until I got to where Ironheart was. I had begun to approach the collapsed suit when Karen spoke up, "I'm picking up a heartbeat, but it's weak."

"Thanks, any update on Strange?"

"I have not been able to contact Stephen Strange, but I will keep trying."

I nodded and knelt by the suit, which at this point wasn't even lit up anymore. "Please be wrong, please be wrong," I muttered as I pried off the face mask from the rest of the helmet.

The moment I saw the face behind the mask my heart stopped. Morgan's face slightly bloodied, but the tear tracks were easy to see. "Oh no," I whisper before raising my voice, "KAREN WHERE IS STRANGE."

"I'm right here Parker," I heard the sorcerer say from behind where I was. "It seems the same thing that called you here called me."

I turn my head to face the doctor, "It's Morgan."

The colored drained from Strange's face but was soon replaced by an expression that was left over from his doctoring days. "Can you get the suit off?"

No sooner than the doctor's words were uttered Morgan's suit opened and was able to see spots off blood growing over her chest. Strange began to use his magic to both lift Morgan up as well as open a portal to, what I quickly recognized, as an operating room.

The three of us crossed over and once Strange lowered Morgan onto the operating table, he began to gather different equipment as well as open two portals from which two women stepped out of. I recognized one as Doctor Cho, but I didn't know who the other was.

"Peter, I need to ask you to step out. Right, now you will only be getting in the way. You should also call Pepper and inform her of what happened."

I had completely forgotten about Pepper until that moment. I exited the room, but stayed stationed next to the window so that I could see what was happening – the two women had ripped open Morgan's shirt while Strange kept opening portals before shaking his head, closing the one he had just opened, and then opening another. I pulled out my phone but couldn't bring myself to tap Pepper's contact info. I mean how do you call a woman and tell her that her daughter's in surgery because of a dangerous activity you knew she was doing.

"Peter, it will be okay. Mrs. Stark would feel much better if you were the one to tell her, rather than her learning from a news station," Karen said, her voice soft in my ear.

"Thanks," I said before hitting the call button.


Morgan's P.O.V.

I woke feeling like an elephant was sitting on my chest. I blinked a few times and rubbed my eyes – damn contacts. Once everything came into focus, I realized that I was in a hospital, the sterile scent attacking my nose.

"Oh baby," My mom said from where she was sitting next to me and grabbed my hand. "Peter get the doctor please." My mom turned her attention back to me, "How are you feeling."

"Not great. I'm sorry."

My mom stroked my hair, "It's okay sweetie, don't worry about that right now. I'm just happy that you're okay."

"Can I just say Ms. Stark you gave us quite the scare," Doctor Strange said entering the room. It was weird to see the man in normal clothes rather than the whole wizard/monk chic that he tended to sport.

"What happened?" I asked turning my head to look at him. I was still lying on back as I felt that moving would do nothing to help the pressure I was feeling.

"Well, it appears that Lady Octopus at some point in your battle place tiny drills on your suit, similar to the ones that Harley presented at the last expo. She then as a last-ditch effort activated the drills which made their home within your chest. Due to the structure of the drills themselves, we weren't able to take them out, but we did find a way to stop their progress. Luckily we had an example to help us."

"What?" I asked confused.

Strange gestured to my chest and when I glanced down and saw blue glowing light that was reminiscent of what I saw in older pictures of my dad.

"Well, looks like in addition to being made of iron Starks also run on batteries," I joked. I could tell that everyone had become tense once Strange pointed out the new change in me. I made the joke in a hope to diffuse the tension.

"They also cause PR nightmares for me," My mom added, giving me a hug and kissing the top of my head. "I'm just glad you're still here, Ironheart."

I let out a nervous chuckle, "Yeah about that."

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