Sit Still, Look Pretty

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A.N. This is a little different than my last songfic, but I hope it's okay. I know songfics can sometimes be the like fanfiction version of an angsty fourteen-year-old, but I hope that these are okay and if you guys have any advise feel free to comment. I'm also not trying to target specific programs in this story, I'm just kind of playing into stereotypes that we already have. The sections in this chapter deviate a little more from the verses than the last chapter did.

Morgan's P.O.V.

"You must have had a pretty interesting morning, Ms. Stark." The reporter from Fox news said, kicking off our interview. I really didn't want to be there, but I was there to defend Stark Industries new program to help combat global warming – which had actually decreased during the blip but was ramped back up only a few years after everyone came back – because apparently most of their views didn't believe the issue was real.

I shrugged, "It was a little earlier than I was used too, but I did manage to sneak a couple of winks in while they were doing my hair and makeup."

The interviewer nodded, "You've always been more known for your more... casual style. Although you did seem to clean up very well at the Stark Memorial Gala."

I tried to laugh the comment off, "Well you know how school is. I mean when I have a lab at eight in the morning, it's not like I'm putting on my best pair of heels and a tennis bracelet. I mean, if it weren't for a weird rule of mine, I would be walking out every day in my pajamas and the bun I slept in the night before."

"Aren't you worried that it could hurt your chances of getting a boyfriend though? I mean you're already known for being very outspoken both in your public life and on social media."

I had to take a deep breath to keep myself from walking out of the interview, "Well firstly, um I don't really know what this all has to do with the topic at hand, but I don't really view finding a partner as one of my top priorities in life. Secondly, if that partner whoever he or she may be can't stand having an intellectual conversation with me that doesn't end with me in the kitchen making them a sandwich than I don't really want them to be in life anyway."

I could tell that my response took the interviewer aback. "Well I mean it's just you're such a pretty young girl-"

"Woman," I cut him off. "I don't like using the word girl when referring to female's look, I think that doing so helps perpetuate the idea of sexualizing actual young girls but go on. I'm sorry for interrupting."

The interviewer cleared his throat, "I mean being such a pretty young woman," his phrasing of the word made me want to dip myself in bleach. "I think that's it's a waste for you to spend so much time focused on studies and not creating a family."

I sat up a little straighter and rolled my shoulders back, taking a moment before speaking, "Well I think that it's a waste for you to be turning this interview toward my personal relationships when the time could have been used to talk about a matter that will affect our whole world, also based on how you look you won't really have to worry about it. Maybe that's the reason that your views would rather focus on what I woman is doing in her personal time than the choices that they are making to help advance our society while also trying to pull the earth out of the nosedive it's making toward destruction." I turned my attention toward the camera and saw that an orange light was blinking, signaling that we were running out of time. "Now if any of the people that watch this show would like to try and make a better world for their children, the Maria Stark Environmental Protection Foundation has a list of ways that you can help the planet in your everyday lives as well as being constantly updated with legislation that is aimed toward making the world a little greener along with a cliff notes version that's a little easier to understand."

I stand up from the couch that I was sitting on and straightened my dress a little before reaching my hand out to the interviewer. "It was lovely to be your show and inform your viewers about Stark Industries main initiative." I waited till the light on top of the camera turned red before saying. "And don't worry I won't ever make an appearance here again, so you don't have to worry about me being so...outspoken.

Oh, I don't know what you've been told

But this gal right here's gonna rule the worldYeah, that is where I'm gonna be because I wanna beNo, I don't wanna sit still, look pretty

"I'm just saying Ms. Stark that I think it would be in the best interest of the company and it's investors if you thought about creating an heir for the company." One of the board members said, trying to defend his argument about how it would be in the company's best interest if I settled down and had a kid.

It was only my third board meeting as CEO and the first one that my mother wasn't at. I'm sure it was no coincidence that it was at this meeting they decided to bring the topic up.

"First, I'm only twenty-six, it's not like my biological clock screaming and besides if I do decide to have a kid, it will be because I want to, not because I need them to calm some investors. Investors, who I might are much more interested in the new programs that I've been putting out rather than what I do in my downtime. Secondly, might I just say my father was still a bachelor until he was almost forty and didn't have a biological heir until he was almost fifty, so maybe we should be focusing more on how we make SI appeal to a world where more and more consumers are becoming wary of big businesses while also still allowing for the company to expand in a way that allows for our scientists, engineers, and designers to not only conceptualize new products but bring them into fruition as well, along with bringing new minds into the company.

No, I don't wanna sit still, look pretty

"Now besides your avenging and breakthrough inventions and programs that you've made alongside your brothers, you've recently made headlines for your public relationship with Nick Browston, and your even more public breakup. Now, I'm sure we've all seen the tweets, more so from him than you, but can you tell me what exactly happened?"

Ah yes, Nick. I had met him at some sort of MIT alumni event. Nick hadn't actually attended the university, he went to NYU, but his parents had and thought that the event would be a good way for their son to network. That should have been my first red flag.

But I was young, or at least younger, and he was funny, so we decided to try and make it work, and we did for the first few months.

The second red flag was when he was with me in my lab and began to ask all sorts of questions, which I didn't really mind I mean I was all for people trying to learn more. The real issue is when the questions turned to should you really be working on something as dangerous as that as though I didn't have a major in computer science and engineering as well as a minor in mechanical engineering.

The third and final flag though was when Nick felt that I had attracted too much attention at the last public event that we had attended as a couple. That was always an issue that Nick had I hadn't kind of felt for him at first, but it also wasn't my fault as at least a quarter of the events that we attended had my last name in the title somewhere. What made me finally snap though was that the event we had attended was a memorial for my father where I was the keynote speaker.

I sighed, "You know how it was Jimmy. He wanted a girlfriend like Sandy from Grease, and I wanted someone that would give me my own space and be okay with the fact that there would be times where the attention would be on me. It did kind of throw me for a loop though, I mean I feel like I've made it pretty well known that I'm not going to wait at anyone's beck and call."

"Are you still looking I mean I'm personally happy with my wife, but we have a pretty good hold in the twenty-year-old demographics."

I laughed, "I'm always down to talk to someone, but please no pictures and remember I will not make myself quiet to appease anyone else."

Sure, I'm a pretty girl
Up in a pretty world
But they say pretty hurts
And I don't wanna sit still
I'm a pretty girl
Up in a pretty world
But no, I won't sit still, look pretty

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