It's My Fault...

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*3rd Person POV*

Iron Devil was on top of the schools roof, looking down onto Y/N and Jake. 

James: 'Y/N, don't lose control.'

Fire began to surround Y/N. Jake smirked. 

Jake: "Too easy."

The fire disappeared, leaving Jake slightly surprised. Y/N hasn't moved at all. 

Jake: "What...? This is interesting."

The dark aura that was surround Y/N went into him. Y/N looked up and disappeared. He reappeared behind Jake and punched Jake in the back. Jake went flying towards the school, but stopped himself. Jake looked back up at Y/N and saw him eating something.

Jake: "Are you fucking eating a chocolate bar?!"

Y/N: "Kit-kat. Want one?"

Jake: "This shouldn't even be happening right now, you should be dead!"

Y/N: "Should be, but I'm not."

Jake began to laugh a bit. Y/N tilted his head, confused.

Jake: "No matter, you were mean't to fail in the end anyways."

Y/N: "What?"

Jake: "You were always destined to die, even if it wasn't by me."

Y/N: "Well, no shit. We all die at some point."

Jake: "But for you, that will be soon."

Jake looks towards Nick and Noelle. Jake smirks.

Jake: "Since I won't be able to kill you, I'll just have to kill..."

He quickly threw a fire ball at Nick.

Jake: "Somebody else!"

Y/N looked towards where the fire ball was shot towards. His eyes widened when he saw it hit Nick. Nick was really injured from the hit but was also on fire. Noelle began to panic. Teachers tried helping Nick. Y/N looked towards the ground.

Jake: "Number one hero my ass! You couldn't even save a classmate! Just like before!"

Y/N appeared in front of Jake and punched him through his chest, and ripped his heart out. But, there was no blood.

Jake: "Ah, yes. The perfect vessel..."

Jake disappeared into ashes and was gone. 

*Y/N's POV*

His heart turned to ash and was blown out of my hand by the wind. I looked down at where he was and realized something. He was just a clone. A fake. So, he's not really dead. I heard a teacher yell, but I could no longer hear Nick. I turned my head slowly and saw that Nick was burnt badly. I don't think he is even alive anymore... I saw some people giving me a certain look. A look of hate. They were mad at me.

???: "You're supposed to be a hero! You let your own classmate die!"

Y/N: "So... He did die then..."

???: "This is all your fault!"

???: "You should have died instead!"

Y/N: "Maybe I should have."

I faced away from them. I heard someone land behind me.

James: "This isn't how you should treat your classmate."

I turned my head and saw James looking at them. I saw Noelle next to them, with tears coming from her eyes.

James: "There is only so much a hero can do. Only so much they can do with their powers. Not everyone can be saved. Y/N here was trying to protect everyone here the best he could. You should--"

Y/N: "Uncle James, stop."

James: "Y/N?"

I turn my head back forward, looking away from them.

Y/N: "They're right. I should have saved him, I should have died instead of him. I agree with them. If they don't want me here, then I can just leave. A hero like me doesn't belong around here."

I began walking away from them.

Y/N: "I should have died the last time."

Noelle: "Y/N! Please don't leave!"

???: "Get out of here!"

???: "No one needs you!"

Violet: "Hey, dumbass!"

I look up and see Violet in front of me.

Violet: "You didn't let him die, did you?"

Y/N: "No."

I walked past her and I felt her grab my shoulder.

Violet: "Don't leave."

I move my shoulder away and continued walking. 

Noelle: "Y/N! Stop!"

Y/N: "You guys need to stop."

Noelle: "What...?"

Y/N: "I think I get what's going on. My death..."

Violet: "Your death? What the hell are you talking about?!"

Y/N: "That Jake guy, said he couldn't kill me, but I would die soon."

I saw a giant explosion in the city.

Y/N: "That must be where it's gonna happen."

I heard someone gasp behind me.

Noelle: "You can't mean..."

Y/N: "Something might happen to me."

Noelle: "No!"

I felt Noelle hug me. 

Y/N: "Noelle, let go."

Noelle: "No! I won't let you go there!"

Y/N: "People are dying! I need to help them."

I heard Noelle crying...

Y/N: "Violet, please help me out here."

Violet: "Fine..."

Violet walked behind Noelle.

Violet: "Alright, let go of him or I will rip it off again."

Y/N: "Really...?"

Noelle: "Are you going to let him go and die?!"

Violet: "I..."

I feel Noelle get pulled away from me and I hear the sound of metal. I look at them and see them trapped in a cage. I saw Uncle James.

James: "Go, before I change my mind."

Y/N: "Thank you."

Noelle: "I don't want you to die!"

I looked at her and walked towards her. I got close up to the cage and looked her in the eyes. 

Y/N: "I'm sorry."

I grabbed her cheeks and brought her close to the cage. I kissed her really quick and backed up.

Y/N: "I'll be seeing you guys, later."

I began walking away, towards the explosions that were going on. I heard Noelle still yelling for me. But I still kept going. I was going to either die here, or something else will happen.

A/N: The end is near! Over 900 Words!

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