[5] A bit sacrifice-y

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~ Settle // Lonelyspeck *

~ Cali God // Grace Mitchell **


Charlie throws her black leather jacket off her shoulders as she parks her bike out the front of Derek's loft. The sun beats down causing the girl to squint despite the dark aviator sunglasses shoved on her face. She cracks her neck a little before walking into the building, boots echoing as she moves up the stairs easily.

The hallway is dark despite the brightness outside, causing the girl to push the sunglasses to the top of her head as she makes her way to the front door. Charlie pushes it open with a hand, gaze scanning over the people in the room who all look up at the noise. Derek stands up at the sight of her, arms crossed as his eyes flick to Cora who was still asleep on the bed. "I was just leaving. Can you watch her?" At his question, the girl nods once, throwing a salute at the alpha. "Peter is god knows where and Isaac is at school."

"Sure," she replies easily, nodding as she turns to look at her best friend. "How's she doing?"

"She seems okay, I haven't spoken to her yet," he answers with a slight frown, gaze moving back to his sibling.

"I just can't believe she's alive? After all this time, it's been what, six years?" The girl lets out a short breath, lips tightening as her posture shifts. Derek nods silently, pausing for a moment before walking behind her and grabbing her keys.

"Let me know if she wakes up," he states, Charlie flicking her eyes to the werewolf in acknowledgment before moving toward Cora as the man closes the door behind him. She lets out another exhale, arms crossing over each other as the girl leans against one of the support pillars, staring down at her friend.

She listens to the werewolf's heavy breathing, focusing her hearing to pick up Cora's steady heart rate. Charlie's head tilts a little, eyebrows pulling together as she watches the girl. About fifteen minutes later she moves spots, looking out the window as she leans against the wall.

"How long have you been watching me like a stalker?" Cora's slightly rough voice causes the girl's head to snap toward the bed, eyes widening a little. A small smile breaks through Charlie's usually blank expression as she walks forward.

"Only about half an hour," she replies, watching the werewolf sit up with a grunt, resting on her elbows as she looks around the loft. "Derek brought you back from the school last night and dropped Boyd at his house," Charlie explains, flicking her eyes to her friend. There's a beat of silence, Cora getting up out of the bed and rolling her shoulders a little. She moves toward her friend, arms folded across her chest. The werewolf turns her head toward her, letting out a sigh. "Where were you, Cora?" There's a harsh inflection to Charlie's voice, the girl's gaze dropping to the floor. "You could have come to New York," she states, still staring at her.

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