Chapter 9 - Revelations

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The week had flown by, and it was lunch time on friday. Momo was eating his food, and listening to the conversation as normal. Today, they were speculating on who was left to study in the first unit, famous hunters and huntresses. Eventually, no one could come up with an answer that seemed reasonable. Momo piped in after it became quite. "Maybe they are famous for doing great things, but a long time ago?" Most people at the table took a look towards Momo, as if he knew. He told the group, "I don't know, I don't know any famous hunters. Maybe it'll be someone you guys know, right?" Some people at the table let out a chuckle, then Weiss spoke up. "I could see it being an older person who was forgotten. I guess we won't know until class." Then lunch continued, until the bell rung.

They went to their history class, and sat in their normal spots, watching Dr. Oobleck rush around the room. As soon as class started, he started to speak. "Good afternoon class, it is nice to see you all. Today we will be wrapping up the famous hunter and huntresses unit, and I will assign you a essay to do over the weekend." Most students groaned at hearing this, but after they hushed, the doctor continued on. "Today, we will be reviewing a hunter not known with the public, but much more with high powers in society. He was sent on many missions, and now lives a life of solitude in a village. His most famous achievement was defeating a horde of grimm. This horde at at least one sphinx, four manticore, and various other grimm adding up to a total of fifty grimm. He did this all by himself. This mans name is Harry Morris, and he has done a lot of stuff to save people, even if it meant sacrificing other things.  Right now, he would be in his late fifties. I will hand you all some files that describe all the missions he did during his career, and we will talk about some of them during this class." 

Momo was having a hard time keeping up with Dr. Oobleck, but the name of the hunter stuck out to Momo. Harry Morris, he knew him very well. Momo had not heard of any of Harry's past, but was always very curious of it. Dr. Oobleck easily continued the lesson, teaching a lot about Harry, and all that he had done. Near the end, assigned the essay. "This essay will be due monday, at the beginning of the class. You all can use any source you can find, even the hunter you will base your essay on." The bell rung, and Momo went quickly back to his dorm, going past his teammates. When he arrived, he sat on his bed, and read more of the file they got on Harry. Momo was surprised by what he was finding out. 

A bit after he started reading, Momo heard the door open, but didn't look up. A couple more minutes passed, and Momo heard Maria address him. "Momo, why are you so interested in this hunter?" Momo looked up at her, and told her, "I'll tell you later, before I go." Maria seemed a bit surprised, but asked, "Where are you going?" Momo was tempted to lie, but decided otherwise. "A place to drink. I would ask you to come, but you don't seem like the type." Maria nodded at this, then told him, "Maybe once, just to see what it's like. I don't think today would work though." With that, their conversation ended.

Momo went back to reading the file, surprised by all that Harry had done. He had done many things, all very impressive. To call him a prodigy was an understatement, but he had retired about six years earlier. They had the exact date as well, June eighteenth. The date was a bit familiar to Momo, it was a couple days after he got kicked out. Momo went on, and got lost in reading. It was very intriguing to him, describing Harry well. Eventually, Momo was tapped on the shoulder, he looked up to see Maria holding a small bag. She then told him, "I brought you some food. You should eat before you go, wouldn't want to go on an empty stomach." After that moment, Momo checked the time, to see it was 7:32PM. Momo was planning on going around 8:30PM, and decided it was time to tell Maria why he was so interested in Harry.

Instead of taking the bag, Momo got up. As he was, he told Maria, "Come with me, I gotta talk to you about something." Momo took the bag, as he lead Maria away from the room. While leading her, he ate the food in it. Momo didn't really know a private place to go, so he went up to one of the many balconies. When he arrived, he sat down to look at the sunset, and made a gesture to Maria to sit down as well. She did sit down, and they stared at the sunset for a while. Maria asked after a bit, "Why did you lead me away from the others? I thought we were gonna talk about that famous hunter, Harry was his name, right?" Momo nodded, then said, "Yeah, that is his name. I'm gonna ask you Maria, do you remember the day I was kicked out?" Maria tensed up at this, and told Momo, "I do remember. June eighth, six years ago. Why do you mention it?"

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