Chapter Thirty Two: ➰

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Tia's POV

Fuck this shitty world.

I hate everyone living in it.

Never EVER.wake a sleep deprived female, that's a well known fact, that idiots in my life insist on breaking time and time again.

Ring ring ring.

Seriously!? Fuck off and let me get back to bastard sleep.

Why is it on the one day I just want to hide away and sleep, someone always has to ruin my plans? Like it's not enough that there's always someone trying to kill us and I constantly have to watch my back, now this!? It really takes the piss. Can a girl get a lie in once in a while? Is it really to much to ask for?

Seriously 24 missed calls.

Give up already. I'm not going to answer.

If I didn't answer call number 10 what makes you think I'll respond to number 24?

Just get the hint already, it might just be that I don't want to fucking speak to you. As my iPhone pinged again, I groaned loudly and pulled at the ends of my hair.

Nope. Really didn't get the hint. I can feel myself slowly going insane.

Id resorted to throwing the stupid thing across my bedroom, hoping it smashes to a thousand pieces, so I don't have to see my annoying Mother's name flash across the screen, or read the several demanding texts she's sent me over the past few hours.


Answer my calls Tia.

I'd like to invite you somewhere.

Tia stop being a brat and call me ASAP.

Grow up and answer the god dam phone.

Invite me somewhere? Where to the fucking police station? I'm in no mood for a conversation with her today, nor for any day lately.

Just Incase you've deleted my number. This is your mother. Therefore I expect you to call me back ASAP.

And she has the nerve to tell me to grow up? Says the keyboard warrior sat behind the phone screen. I'm an adult maybe I'm fucking busy or doing something very important. LIKE NAPPING.

Can a girl not just die from a hangover in peace? Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to stay out partying till 4am after all, because now I'm well and truly paying for it. You could say things escalated very quickly last night. Lucky bastard Hunter was still very much dead to the world, I had that luxury ripped away from me.

Following on from our little meeting at the club, and the bombshell Hunter decided to drop, it led to many deep discussions and then of course shamefully drinking the night away, involving several shots of tequila. There was also a bottle of  sambuca that I briefly remember making an appearance, which would explain the haziness, maybe champagne too. Honestly owning a club is very dangerous for our alcohol consumption, we have no limits and that's deadly.

We ended up having several steamy encounters last night, that part was not hazy at all. I remember every single moment, and my body feels like it's been hit by a truck. Drunk sex is the best kind of sex ever invented. I don't know who drunk Tia thinks she is but I do know she's a fucking machine, she can go all night.

Sober Tia however can barely be arsed to brush her hair in the morning.

Obviously when we reached the X rated part of the night, we ditched the others, that bit of the party they were most definitely not invited to. She's kinky but not that kinky.

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