Best Class of the Day

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(Y/n's pov)
I burst into the classroom only to be greeted by no one. The lights were on though.
"Mr. Septiceye must be doing another outdoor class. Question is where?" A waft of my art teacher and students' scent filled my nose. It was weak but there and led out of the room. Of course I followed the trail, going through the hallways with the scent getting stronger with each step. What I always hate are the kids who watched me as I passed the classrooms. It made me uncomfortable. The halls are empty af. The only sound being my converse colliding with the tiled floor and the movement of my backpack accessories.

~Timey skip~

I found myself at the back of the school. 'Of course! Mr. Septiceye told us yesterday how we were going to be making nature collages or something.' Ahead I could see the whole class, only slightly bigger do to the additions of monsters. I jogged over and Mr. Septiceye notices my figure for he turns and smiles.
"I was wondering where you've gone!" He exclaims in his loud, upbeat irish accent.
"Sorry I'm late I got into a tangle with some students." I reply slightly sheepish. He nodded in understanding giving me a bright smile. I go to him for a lot of advice since he's really chill and better than any counselor who know jack shit on giving advice. He knows about the prissy pink pride and 'tangle with students' is our kind of secret way of saying the pride has attacked. I scanned the area looking for a place to sit when I noticed a familiar skeleton with Ink marks on his cheek. He caught my gaze and smiled brighter, patting the open space beside him. My lips curl slightly into my signature grin as I make my way over. Once I sat down Mr. Septiceye started the lesson.

"Top of the mornin' to ya laddies! Now as all of you can see do to the barrier breaking, monsters and humans now correspond together with many being at this school. I hope everyone treats them with respect just like you would anyone else. NOW today we will be making nature stuff which is why I brought you outside! I will pair each person up in groups of two or three. One person from that group will come up and dig their hand into the HAT OF DOOM!"
Everyone chuckled at our teacher's rambunctious behavior, but that's what makes him one of the best. "With the list you choose your group will have to find the items in the woods. When you find one put them into the paper bag that you will also be given. Once everything is found, regroup back here and I will give everyone a big poster board. With it, all of you will have to use your imaginations to give the item a name and a job that it can be used for other than its original purpose. For example!"
He picked up a rock that was nearby. "This is the Keep the Doctor Away 2000! It's simple! Whenever you see a doctor just CHUCK IT AT THEM and boom! Problem solved! Now the doctor needs a doctor and not you." Once again laughter and muffled snickers could be heard throughout the school ground, including my own. "Now please don't throw rocks at your doctor! They're just doing their job and keep you healthy. After everyone is done, we will present them in front of the class if we have time and if not we'll just do it next class." 'Sounds like a lot of fun. Mr. Septiceye always makes his lessons intriguing and eventful. I wish he taught other classes as well as art. School would be so much better if he did.'

"Now that that's out of the way." He grabbed a clipboard with paper fastened at the top and started reading through the list. "Milton and Zack. Amanda and Ryan. Olivia and Alexandra. Aaron, Kathryn and Jacob. Paperjam and Eliza."
"Um, actually I go by PJ." Announced, another goddamn skeleton. This one had black bones and colorful splotches on his face similar to Ink's.
"Wait PJ's in this class, I didn't even see him!" I heard Ink whisper to himself excitedly.
"You know him?" I whispered leaning towards him slightly,
"Yeah that's my younger brother."
"Oh, should have guessed."
"Alright, PJ and Eliza. Temmie and Mad Dummy. And lastly Ink, (Y/n) and Skyler. If you have any questions come to me. Now let's, BEGIN!!" Ink and I stood up while Skyler made her way over to us.

She was a semi-short girl with long, curly, auburn hair that was tied into a ponytail. She bared  sunkissed skin accompanied by a rather nice blue sundress. She was rather timid and I could tell that the monsters scared her a bit. Her guardian must have told her those stupid bedtime stories about how we can absorb human souls and make ourselves super powerful. I mean we can and when absorbed, our powers increased tenfold. But it was humans who started the war way back then because of their fear. We just wanted to live in peace.
Once we got situated and Ink volunteered to get our supplies I decided to chat with her.
"You look nervous around monsters, what's up with that?" She jumped at the sudden interaction and began to fiddle with the hem of her dress, hesitant to answer.
"He seems nice it's just that... I don't know why, I'm just skittish." Her voice was quiet and soft, if it wasn't for my acute hearing I probably wouldn't have picked up on anything she had said.
"You know there's nothing to be afraid of, monsters just got a bad rap is all. They're nothing more than people just like us." She was about to reply when Ink came back and she stepped away.
"Ok so the list says we need to search for a pinecone, a feather, some water which he gave me a cup for, and something unique."
"Water?" Skyler questioned meekly.
"Yeah, there's a lake on the other side of the trees. I go there sometimes after school. But something unique... that's gonna be a challenge."
"Well let's get a move on shall we?" And with Ink's remark we were off into the trees.

~Time Skip~

"Ok we have the water and pinecone, but where can we find a feather?" Ink asked quite puzzled. We all looked around. I tried to catch the scent of bird, but there was a light breeze today. It mixed all the smells that resided in the large gather of trees that surround the grounds of Narika High.
"Ok, how about we split up and look around then meet back here in 5." Once I finished my statement the two nodded with a smile and we all turned around, heading in the opposite direction. My eyes skimmed the tree branches above looking for any nests. All the while hearing my other classmates as they discuss different things. A stiff breeze swept through and I watched as a orange and red leaf drift along the current. My vision shifted beyond the colorful foliage and caught the sight of a small, but visible clump of sticks embedded in a rather tall oak tree.

I made my way over and scanned the rough, shagged bark. Acknowledging the crevices and valleys, some bits covered by tiny spurts of moss that people always look over at first glance. That's why it's always good to stop for a bit, even for a second. Analyzing seemingly insignificant parts of your surroundings allows you to see the beauty in the world's most taken for granted things.

Some student's voices in the distance broke me out of my trance and I refocused on my task at hand. Getting to that bird nest.
I could use my magic, but there are too many people and I can't risk getting caught. You're probably wondering "But monsters are accepted now you should be fine!" And there's where you're wrong. I'm a monster and human hybrid. My kind is rare. In all honesty I think I'm the only one. I've never come across them books, never seen them in the news when the monsters were released. Haven't seen any in the school yet and most likely never will.
Not only that but... I'm scared to. I've lived my life hiding my other side ever since I was little. My parents were killed trying to protect me! I can't just let go and reveal my secret after everything they've done for me. Sure that sounds like a stupid reason for most people, but they don't understand. When someone dies for you, let alone your parents, you feel obliged to not let their sacrifice to be in vain. Even with other monsters now there's always that fear in the back of my mind. People might still try and take me away to be experimented on since a human and monster reproduction, as I said, is rare. Having half a human soul makes me powerful. I have a feeling that both monsters and humans will be afraid of me and it will eventually lead me to my death.

'Anyway back to reality... oh there goes gravity, oh there goes rabbit, he choked, he's so mad but he won't, give up that easily. Ok I should stop.' Letting a chuckle escaped my lips, I looked back at the tree. With a sigh, my arms grasp around the rough armor at the base of the oak and begun to pull myself up. It was hard since the width was bigger than I could reach but, I managed to get to a good enough height to grab a sturdy branch. With a swing of my legs I hurled myself over until I was sitting on the limb. The nest was just above me. I pulled myself up on the branch above me so I was now standing. Taking a quick look outward among the trees and sky. Taking a deep breath and feeling the fresh air encircle the space in my lungs really is the best thing to experience. Seeing the clouds pass by my thoughts drifted back to that fantasy of always wondering what it felt like to fly. I have wings that I create with my magic, but I was never taught how to use them. That doesn't stop me from dreaming about it though. The freedom I'd be able to feel while in the air is too exhilarating not to think of! Just like whatever this bird feels that lives in this nest. Doing a quick search of the secure structure of twigs, twine, and whatever else was used, the only thing I could see inside was down feathers. Those wont work. I take one last look out watching nature's commotion before jumping down, going into a forward roll to take the impact off my knees once landing.

~Tem skip~

We all regrouped back where we started with Ink being the last to join us.
"I've got nothing."
"Neither did I, sorry."
"There's no need to apologize Ink."
"Um, I actually found one."
Skyler meekly held up a rather decent looking Blue Jay feather. Wonder where she found that.
"Well, we have everything we need now. Lets go to Mr. Septiceye!"


I hope this chapter makes up for my time away from it! My plan for this book is to finish the day then I'm going to discontinue it. I know I have a good amount of readers but, like I've said before, I'm just not motivated enough to continue. I'm so sorry but that's just how I feel.
With finals for school next week and a butt load of final projects I'm jam packed. I hope you all understand!
With that I'll read ya all in the next one!
Dragon out~

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2019 ⏰

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