; 𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐬

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- JULY 15th -

LILLIAN was woken up by her mother and brother shouting 'happy birthday' to her. As much as she wasn't really a morning person, she still couldn't help the small smile etching on her face. She rubbed her tired eyes as she groaned playfully, "Couldn't you guys have waited 'till I was already up?" She covered her face once her brother ripped opened her curtains.

"Where's the fun in that?" Nathan teased as their mother sat on the edge of the bed with a cupcake on a plate in her hands.

"Happy 17th birthday, my little blossoming flower." Leila cooed as Lillian took the cupcake happily whilst her mother patted her head.

"Thanks, guys." She smiled at her mother and brother before blowing out the single lit candle.

"Here, Peter got you this." Nathan said with a slight shrug. "He had to go take care of some stuff." He said as Lillian took a quick bite of her cupcake before setting it aside on her nightstand. She grabbed the small wrapped box from her brother, hesitantly opening it. "I told him to invite Spider-Man over, but he thought it was a stupid idea." He rolled his eyes.

Lillian and Leila shared a knowingly look whilst Leila shook her head at her son's comment. Lillian chuckled softly before continuing unwrapping the small box as she let out a small gasp. "He didn't." She whispered as slight tears brimmed her eyes whilst pulling out a gold Tangled sun inspired necklace out.

"I don't get it? It's just a sun?" Nathan asked which earned him a small smack on his shoulder from his mother.

"It's from her favorite Disney movie." Leila shushed him as she watched her daughter quickly put the necklace on herself.


LATER on that day after Lillian spent some time with her family and after being dressed, Peter called her to meet her on the roof top.

"You summoned me?" Lillian asked whilst slightly doing a curtsy toward Peter.

He shook his head whilst laughing softly at her antics. "Yeah, I sort of have surprise for you."

Lillian shook her head, "Oh no, Peter. That's sweet of you, but the necklace was enough. You don't have to." She insisted.

"But I want to," He smiled softly at her as he wrapped an arm around her waist securely, "besides, I have a feeling you're gonna love this one." He said with a sly smirk etching on his face as Lillian noticed his web shooters on his wrists.

She shook her head rapidly, "Nope. No, Peter." She chuckled nervously.

"Lills, how many times do I have to tell you that I got you?" He asked rhetorically. "I would never drop you, okay?" He said softly.

"Okay, okay. But just know that if you drop me, you're dead." She reminded.

Peter nodded with a cheeky smile, "Noted." He said as Lillian wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck before Peter swung off to wherever he was heading to.

Once they safely landed at the surprise destination, Peter unwrapped his arm from Lillian. "Lills? You can let go now... you're safe." He chuckled lightly at the state she was in.

She peeked out of one eye to see that Peter was telling the truth before fully opening both of her eyes, "Right... Yeah." She jumped off of Peter before slightly brushing herself off. "I knew that." She scoffed lightly whilst looking around in confusion. "Where exactly are we?"

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