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"Even time slips away from you. Each passing moment you become less yourself. Where is my little villian in this story, Champ?"

So Time is no longer on my side. Each passing moment I can feel it all in my body I'm becoming something that isn't me. Is it even Mark that's in my soul? Is it him driving me to this? Or is he with me? Giving me a push to become what he wants me to. He's getting his wish. To be a tiny bit more careful with what he wishes for next time.

He's getting it. Yet this villain has a different motive. For now at least I know what I want in the end. A true life. I had my sister. Friends before Mark killed himself. Now I'm on a trip to find my sister and get my humanity back. No human could heal wounds that fast. From time to time when I see my reflection it's like I'm looking into my future. A me shrouded in dark. An evil most wouldn't dare think of.

At first I thought I was really hot. Sweaty dripping with a fever. Yet when I woke up I found my hand slowly melting the console of his truck. I was attempting to sleep. As good as that sounded I'm already awake. Lifting my hand from the console I slyly placed a moist towelette over where my hand was burning a print into it. To keep it from catching fire I rubbed it in.

"Somethin' wrong there?" Jack asked as I was wiping away at the burning print. Another excuse that probibly wont work as well as the last one. My head nodding slowly to his question. Almost dozing off as I continued to rub the wet cloth.

"Yes I'm. Quite alright. It's just a bit sticky from the sweat is all. Just wiping it clean you know?" I wanted to slap myself in the face for coming up with something that stupidly overdone. Like hiding a staine under a painting overdone. And yet I kept my cool as Jack leaned forward to point to the town just ten miles ahead of us. A smile crossing my face as I sat up in the car seat. To get new clothes. A luxury that I've been waiting for. And better yet one I needed. I needed something spacific. A suit. Of course being me a suit is a habit for me to consume.

To wear the finest clothes and the best shoes with them. I'd then be comfortable to move. Speaking of witch since it was getting warmer the father from the mountains we got. It made sense. Higher elevations meant cooler climate. Looking to the clock on the dashboard it said it was almost 4:30. The sun hadn't even begun to peek out from the horizon yet. I'd have to wait at least three hours before we could grab new clothes.

"Here we are. A town that has everything we need. You said you wanted to find your sister. Right?" He asked as he parked in a parking space. Turning the key to keep the car put." The nearest clothes store is right there and it opens at six am. We have an hour and a half to kill. Wanna grab something to eat from that diner?" Jack's thumb was pointed towards the small just barely functioning building behind us. The sign blinking vibrantly with a slow build up on the word 'open'. My stomach was empty. Yet hunger hadn't been apart of my overall state. My body would glitch from time to time. And yet I had to try. Anything to feel human instead of monster.

"That sounds good.. maybe we can talk properly in there with some food in our stomachs, eh?" He needed it to. He appeared skinny already. Hell knows the last time he ate."common. Let's eat." I get out of the old truck. Slamming the car door shut. Jack following behind me as I opened the door to hold it open for him as he finally caught up. Taking a booth for two we ordered basic eggs and toast.
My eyes meeting Jack's as I leaned on the table to rest my head.

"You said I was missing for.. how long? Fifteen years.?" I asked. For some reason it didn't surprise me. It sounded crazy but I haven't aged a day since everything fell apart. I've been living in a timeless, never ending dream world that my sister made to keep me safe from.. Mark. He wanted her to stay out of the way. It was clear that he wasn't very fond of my sisters power.

"That's right. News spread that the Mayor went missing and never returned. You were thought to be dead as long with your sister as well as Mark. Either a coincidence that I happen to find you. Or something else. Quite frankly.. it's almost impossible that I just happened to find you wandering the highway." Taking a deep sip of my coffee I nodded. He has no idea what I've been through. And or what I'm becoming.

"You.. wont understand the messed up things that I have seen. I've been trapped in a dream world for fifteen years. Tormented. Waking up over and over again doing the same thing and it felt like only a few days. Days.." I repeated that word a few times out loud to rest my hand in my face." Fifteen years.. the Coronal is still alive.. I know that much. But everyone else.." I shook my head. My sister, and Coronal were the only ones who survived. Me? I didn't survive.

No I'm not even alive. I'm just a corpse rotting somewhere and this is just a new vessel. I'm a physical ghost walking around in the great plane of existence. And this ghost is going mad.

"You're saying that.. you are dead?" He asked with a rather perplexed expression. I knew he'd find it unbelievable. But as ridiculous as it sounded. It was true.

"I am dead.. just..

Not in the way you think."

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