The beginning

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I watched as my mom drove off on her motorcycle leaving dust behind her. Even though she didn’t say goodbye i knew she loved me. Just in a special hidden way. I sighed and picked up my bag and looked up at camps sign. The camp was called The Rim Of The World. It was a strange name but i had a feeling it had some type of meaning to it.

How i got here? A week ago my mom decided to move away from Arizona so that she could go to her old unit in the Army. It was a quick change and before i new it i had said my goodbyes to my friends and packed my bags. Even though i didn’t like change that much i knew its what my mom wanted so i just went along. What i didn’t know was that my mom decided to sign me up for camp so i could “follow in her footsteps and become a badass outdoors.” which didn’t make that much sense but i didn’t care, this meant i could have a chance to make new friends

….. Hopefully.

I took my first step into the camp i soon would learn would be hell.

Rim Of The World° •☆•°GabrielWhere stories live. Discover now