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We were going to canoe today, so that’s how i ended up sitting in a smelly van next to a chinese girl staring out the window.

“My names Sam” i offered holding out my hand to her, she turned from the window to stare at me and then my hand before turning back to the window. “ZhenZhen” she stated still staring out the window. I smiled before turning to my bag on the floor and grabbing out my book and beginning to read.

The whole ride to the canoes consisted of Dariush yelling at Alex for not giving him enough room even though Alex was squished to the window. Once we finally did stop i was the first to get out. The area had a lot more trees then the camp making it hard to see the canoes, but when i did finally see them i also saw a woman standing next to them. As everyone got out of the vans she yelled over at us. “Sorry guys, some kid shit the canoe while shooting the rapids”

The crowd broke out into disgusted ‘ewws’ and sad ‘awws’ while i just stared at the canoe in horror.

“COSMO WERE GONNA NEED THE SECOND HOSE DOWN HERE!” she yelled over to a guy looking like he was about to quit.

“It will just be a few more minutes” she told everyone.

“What you mean, ain't nobody scared of a little poop” Logan told the lady shrugging his shoulders. Before they could continue whatever they were doing, i backed up and walked away.

Alex ran passed me yelling at ZhenZhen as she disappeared into the trees, i raised my eyebrows in confusion. ZhenZhen looked determined to get to wherever she was going and i couldn’t lie, I was curious.

I followed ZhenZhen and Alex as they walked further into the forest, making sure not to be seen by them. eventually Alex stopped and looked around in confusion.

“ZhenZhen where did you go?!” he yelled. I stepped from out behind the bush i had been hiding behind i tapped his shoulder.
“You lost?”

He jumped and whipped his head towards me letting out a heavy breath as i giggled at his reaction. “Don’t scare me like that!”, he gasped.  

His phone started ringing and he grabbed it out of his pocket only to end the call when Dariush popped out from behind a tree.

“What are you doing here?”, Alex asked as Dariush walked up to us.

“Just dropped a deuce,’’ Dariush smirked as i rolled my eyes. He pointed back at the tree he came from, “the shit i just took back there, been touching cloth since last night!”

“What?” i asked, Dariush ignored me and continued talking about how great of a shit he just took. Idiot.

Before i knew it he had Alex in a hold and was dragging him over to the edge of the cliff. Alex screamed protests and kicked as much as he could.  I stepped forward and yanked Dariush’s arms away from Alex.

Rim Of The World° •☆•°GabrielWhere stories live. Discover now