Chapter 53

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“Please change the channel,” Kol said as she entered the room, with her friend Paula stopping on the model show that she was on. On television, she was part of the judge panel and commenting on the photos of the contestants. “I hate seeing myself on television.”

“Why? Isn’t it cool?” Paula said, eating a pack of Doritos as she flipped the channel. “It’s like a mirror, but more people can see.”

“It’s just weird, that’s all,” Kol said, sitting on the sofa beside Paula, helping herself to some chips as well. There was some dip as well on the table, and Kol doused a generous amount onto one Dorito chip.

“Aren’t you excited that they’re arriving later tonight?”

Kol shrugged. The wedding was so close at this point, which was why the boys were flying back to London. They had been away for a considerable time now, aside from that brief visit back when Aiden was in the same country. “I’m getting used to it by now. I haven’t talked to Niall for longer than five minutes yesterday, but it’s fine. He texted me before boarding the plane.”

“You don’t sound too upset either.”

“Yeah well, he’s got a lot of things to think about and so have I. Besides, it’s not like I won’t be seeing him in a few hours, so we weren’t that riled up about not getting to talk today. Enough about my relationship though, what’s up with you and Mark?”

It was Paula’s turn to shrug. “We’re still fighting a lot, but what else is new? We’re always fighting about small stuff. We make up anyway. I don’t even know if that’s healthy or not, at this point.”

“As long as he’s not hitting you…” Kol said, glancing over at Paula. She had teased her earlier, since Paula had a bit of a remnant of a bruise from her love bite from Mark. “And those are the only kinds of bruises he leaves on you.”

Paula rolled her eyes. “I know how you find love bite marks disgusting, Kol.” Paula laughed. Kol shuddered at the thought.

“It’s still marks on your skin! You know how embarrassing it would be to go on a shoot and have one on me? Not only would that hassle the makeup artist, but people would know where Niall had his lips near.”

“Only if it’s visible.”

“I get undressed a lot in front of strangers because of modeling. No thanks. I’d rather not get any sort of bruise-like marks on my skin.”

There was a ring at the door and Kol got up to answer it.

The knocking was incessant and started to annoy her.

“Hold on! I’m getting it,” she said loudly as she neared the door.

It took her a while to process who was on the other side of the door, as she swung it open. She literally stared at Niall for ten seconds as he smiled at her cockily with his arms open.

She looked at his body language and said, “So am I supposed to get into an embrace or something because of your surprise?”

“Oh, don’t be such a spoilsport, Cub,” Niall grinned, running his hand through his hair as he took off his snapback. “Just get in here and give me a hug.”

“Fine,” she said, smiling and giving him one. He smelled nice. She shouted over her shoulder, “Oi, Paula! Guess who decided to get home earlier!”

Paula came shuffling out a few seconds later. “It looks like I’m heading home earlier then.” She took her bag that was on the table at the entrance foyer. “Nice seeing you Niall. I’ll be seeing you both next week at the wedding then. Cheers.”

“See you Paula,” Niall and Kol said together.

Paula just breezily let herself out and got into her car. That girl never had a plan, and she was probably going to have some adventure of her own now that she was leaving.

“You couldn’t even call, really?” Kol said, after stepping out of the hug.

“Then it wouldn’t be a surprise.”

“And I was having such a nice time with Paula,” Kol grumbled as she helped Niall out with his luggage, that was all left out on the porch.

“I was expecting a happier welcome,” Niall said, still looking humorous despite her less than enthusiastic welcome.

Kol looked at him and smiled. She kissed him quickly and said, “You know I’m sarcastic. I like having you back.”

“And by next week, you’ll be having a different last name,” Niall said, smiling.

“That was completely off topic,” she said.

“Yeah, and I wanted to remind you why I was so keen to get back to you. We have to use up as much time as possible while you’re still Kol Vicencio.”

Kol started backing away, knowing about the possibilities that could entail with that statement. “Oh no… You’re not having the I Want video repeated all over again.”

He grinned. “I was thinking of having a bit of tea and maybe cooking some dinner, but that seems like a good suggestion.”

He ran after her and carried her in a fireman’s lift. Niall got impressively stronger since she met him. She attributed it to his desire to look good these days, considering all the ripped guys that she modeled with.

“Oh no. Not again…” she muttered, before Niall threw her into the pool and she was momentarily submerged in water.

She came out of it, sputtering. He was laughing and doubled over as he squinted at her. The sun was in his eyes.

“You do know how it went during the I Want video right?” Kol said, hoisting herself out of the pool and running after him. He caught on easy and went around the pool. Kol was physically fit to begin with, so she could catch up with him easily.

She ended up leaping towards him and they both ended up falling into the pool together. When she went up for air again, she pumped her fist in triumph.

Niall waded towards her and took her face in his hands and gave her a lingering kiss.

“I knew there was something about you when we were filming that scene,” he said, with his lips still pressed against hers.

“Is that why you keep reliving it?” She snickered, and went underwater once again to slip out of his grasp.

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