Chapter 1

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A/N: In the photo above (or to the side, if you're reading this through a computer) you'll find yourself staring at how I picture the main character Lilly. Just keep in mind that she's more rugged looking than that, considering she's in the middle of an apocalypse. And that her eyebrows aren't as full and that her teeth aren't as white. Bye! *insert smiley emoji*

Chapter 1

I was standing against the hardened brick blockage of an alley when everything went to hell. My mother had just given me an envelope filled with dozens of hundred-dollar bills---her monthly "showering" of motherly affection----and I was fingering through the stack of bills, my expression exceedingly gleeful and greedy. Somehow I found more joy in material goods and the concept of receiving excessive amounts of money than in being genuinely loved by someone. That was probably the reason why everyone hated me.

I just finished counting the fiftieth bill when I noticed a man stumbling in the street. His hair was disheveled as fuck and multiple mushy things (awesome description, isn't it? So grotesque and picturesque) were protruding from within his stomach. His dress shirt was covered in dried blood and from what I could hear, he was moaning. The sound of it created a sense of unease in the pit of my stomach, for some reason.

"Aye! You there in the dress attire!" I called, my fingers absentmindedly dancing around on the tips of the hundred-dollar bills as I advanced towards the entrance of the alley. "You're in public---I'd appreciate it if you could stop moaning!"

The man froze upon hearing my abrupt shout. His nose stiffened considerably---an action I somehow managed to witness---and I almost gagged at the sight of him sniffing at the air, his head mindlessly moving from side to side. I wasn't paying much attention to his physical appearance---my eyes were mainly depicting the different features of his face---and I started to regret it the moment he perked up and turned to face my direction.

Something internal was jutting out from his stomach, as I'd mentioned earlier, and half of his lower jaw was flubbing around clumsily. A growl arose from deep within his throat, and I could tell he sensed something unknown and incomprehensible to me. It was strange---how this dude was acting and looking when it was obviously the third of June and not the thirty first of October. He was stumbling like a zombie, hungrily sniffing the air, growling at me like I was its prey. Even with this peculiar behavior that wasn't to be expected from a businessman in June I was still entirely confident that this was something unserious.

"Holy crap," I said, breathing in a semi-awestruck whistle, "that's one heck of a costume. Musta taken ages to perfect it. But seriously, man, it's fucking June, not October. You must be off your bender or somethin' to be thinking this is Halloween." I began to walk towards the hideous beast I still assumed to be human, feeling a bit unsure about the "dude's" mental stability, but stopped short when he began to stumble towards me, looking like one of the nightmarish creatures I constantly dreamed about.

This is where "he" transformed into "it".

It growled, looking like a coldblooded predator, and my mind finally began to register the inhumane shade of gray its eyes were. Its teeth were the shade of a light yellow and its stature was slouched to point you'd start wondering if maybe the thing was pretending to be the hunchback of Northern Dam. Seeing all this strangeness and analyzing the entirety of its lean and destroyed body made me finally realize how dangerous it'd be to be around whatever the hell this thing was. I was starting to contract a migraine from all this hyperactive thinking.

Now thinking sensibly, I stuffed the money I'd previously been fingering through into my pocket and started backing away, my eyes wide with fear and panic. I couldn't believe this was happening, but somehow it just struck me the instant I realized what's happening that this was unchangeable (irreversible, if you will) and Earth would be stuck in this position for quite some time. This was major, and it was almost impossible to reverse the effects of things like this. Especially America, what with how fucking terrible it was at fixing things. With this petrifying thought in mind, I turned around and sprinted away from the monster.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2015 ⏰

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