First sin, sin of wrath

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Fair warning I will be adding cuss words here and there

Recap: I then asked her "Why are you looking for the seven deadly sins?" She answered my question with "I want to ask the seven deadly sins to help me stop the holy knights."

Night's POV

Her response shocked me but I didn't let it show, I was about to ask her agin of why but hawk beat me to it "why would you do that, the holy knights are the kings men, they're real heroes." Hawk claimed. "But what if they were behind the plot to start a war in our country?" The girls said sounding concerned.

"The other day the entire royal family except the king himself were arrested and are being held by the holy knights." She said looking off in the distance, "So doe that mean that the king isn't really sick in bed?" Hawk asked.

'Who would want a war? And why would they go to such lengths to get it?' I thought to myself. "No that's just a cover story the holy knights made up and are using. I don't know what they think they can accomplish by taking our nation to war, but even now they are drafting our people they are asking men wherever they can find them. Everywhere you look they are preparing for war soon they'll reach all the way out here to Caine's." She told us.

"That's not good." Hawk said concerned, "Yeah, tough break." I said out loud, "wow you don't have any empathy at all do you night?" Hawk exclaimed sounding disappointed.

"So how does this tie into the seven deadly sins?" Meli asked her, "If there is even a chance at stopping the holy knights from doing this, I know they're the only ones who an stop this." She answered his question with determination in her voice. "Just checking, you're looking for them even though you know what kind of people they are?" I asked her.

she replied "the Sven deadly sins the most horrid order of knights to ever come out of the kingdom consisting of seven vicious, blood-thirsty criminals all of them bearing the mark of a beast. Ten years ago when they were suspected of overthrowing the kingdom the knights of the realm launched a full force attack scattering them across the land."

Meli then stated "Well, if you believe any believe the rumors they each died a long time ago." The girl then exclaimed " such amazing people wouldn't die so easily." I then asked her " they are criminals are they not?" She then told us" the holy knight are the ones causing the suffering of the people right now, many years ago my father would tell me stories fo the seven deadly sins and that's when i learned that they were the most powerful knights.." as she was saying those last words i heard something then the ground shook and started to collapse.

We seemed to fall down the cliff but me and meli knew better he grabbed the girl while I grabbed hawk as well as the knight hawk threw over the cliff and we landed on stable ground. We turned and saw someone who seemed to be a holy knight yet looks can be deceiving, as i was getting ready to fight meliodas told us that when he gives the signal he wants us to run into the forest.

We heard the wannabe holy knight say "Fate is smiling upon me today the crest on your earring is the royal family's, meaning that you are princess Elizabeth." 'Wait she's a princess now things make more sense.' I thought and then I said "You're princess Elizabeth as in the 3rd princess of liones?", we then heard the wannabe whose name is twiggo I think "A decree was issued from the capital that is liones to find your location. The order was to capture you alive, but if you were to eat your end in an unfortunate accident." ' what an ass.' I thought to myself, "Go now" meli ordered and so I grabbed Elizabeth's hand and we ran to the forest with meli trailing behind us.

As we were running I could hear Elizabeth say I gotta things like "I must not allow myself to be captured, I can't afford to give up yet." In the split second I turned and saw that this twiggo guy was preparing for an attack so in response I prepared for defense. In the distance I heard someone yell "conclusion: accidental death." I was unable to protect all of us so my barrier only protected me and hawk from the full force of the attack

'Damn I must be loosing my edge' I complained about my reflexes. Luckily I saw meli was able to protect Elizabeth by ducking the attack and he was on top of her as she laid on the ground. After meli checked on us I took down the barrier and told hawk to go and get his mom, I look and saw Elizabeth get up and walk towards this twiggo character, both me and meliodas asked in unison "Elizabeth? What are you doing?" She responded to us "There is no escape" " didn't you just say that you couldn't afford to get captured to fail?" I asked her. She replied " maybe if I give up peacefully he'll take me back with him and your lives will be spared."

As she said this I looked at meliodas and he knew what I meant and quickly went to Elizabeth and twiggo slipped his sword once more grazing them to only have cut their clothes a bit. As I made my way over there and put up a barrier around us, Elizabeth pleaded "please run away while you still can."

"I think he wants to make sure none of us get up of here alive" I replied, I heard her cry " why? I was so happy when I met you both, I set out to look for the seven deadly sins all on my it was incredibly difficult traveling all alone in that rusty armor with no one to turn to for help. Now you both showed so much kindness to someone you never met before, I don't want you to get hurt that's why I don't want to involve you in my problems anymore, not when I don't even know your names."

"Night" I said looking at her with a smile into her eyes, "and meliodas if you really want to know" my brother said with his trademark goofy smile. "No way it can't be, how can you.. your just.." elizabeth said in disbelief and shock. I asked Elizabeth "want proof that we are who we say we are?" I saw she slightly nodded, so I asked meli before I took down the barrier "do you want to go first?"

Meli looked up at me and told me "yeah". I took down the barrier and traded with meli as he was staring to stand up he stopped as Elizabeth said "that symbol on your arm is it a beast?... that a dragon" and as I  moved twiggo slashed his sword down on meli's back and in the second before the blade hit him meli used his trademark move and twiggo had a cut on his cheek and stumbled back.

"How I was certain I hit you and what's that a broken sword?" Twiggo said questioning how he was the one who got hurt by the attack. " meliodas and night is that really who you are?" Elizabeth asked, "alright you can have the theatrics brother." I said low enough for Meliodas to hear. "Wait now I see your face seems familiar but how is it possible for you look exactly the same?" Twiggo asked afraid and angry, "alright have you figured it out?" Meliodas said teasing him. "No how dare you still exist?" He yelled and he slashed down his sword.

Meli used his magic and as twiggo was feeling the wave of energy he said "conclusion: this power, this unbelievable amount of energy is that of the legend!" We then saw twiggo was sent flying nad his armor came apart and he landed somewhere and my brother being himself loves to be dramatic is stating "the seven deadly sins, the sin of wrath, the dragon sin meliodas" my brother then sheaths his sword and I tell him "no fair I didn't get turn you just had to send him flying." Meli then responded " Its not my fault" Isighed and decided to let it go, we then turn to Elizabeth and meli said "well Elizabeth I guess this means you found your first sin."

I continue his thought "As for the other six we have business to discuss them, so we started looking for them. We use the tavern to get information." My brother as her "So how 'bout it want to join us?", the response we got was " Yes, absolutely." And with that hawk and his mom came to pick us up, hawk dropped down the rope ladder and all of climbed up on it. When we were all on hawk's mom I told her thanks.

And with this our adventure began

A/N hey guys so I wanted to let you know that I will be going to school so I might not be able to update as much, and also the next chapter will just be explaining who night is. Until next time- Freethinker17

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