Sadness And Sweetness

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It had been two months since my first date with the Medic. Or Dr.Ludwig Heilberg, as I've learned, though he insisted I call him Josef or Doctor. "Very well, but if I call you 'Doctor', you have to call me 'Nurse'." I smirked, teasing the sweet German.

We'd been on a date nearly every night since the first, learning more about each other each day. We soon grew close but we weren't 'official'. Our bond was undeniable though. The others often found us flirting in the MediBay...or making out in the hallway.

"Yeah, Medic! Get some!" Scout had called to us once when he caught us in the hall, prompting me to cover my blushing face with my hands.

Though I knew he wasn't mine, I constantly found myself worrying. What if he finds someone else? What if I'm not enough for him? What if I'm not smart enough for him? Sometimes these thoughts would interfere with my work and I would find myself flying into walls. I dared not go to him about my worries though. I don't want to seem desperate or needy. But it ate away at me.

I eventually decided to go to the only person I knew I could trust: Spy.

I lightly knocked on the door to his smoking room. "Oui?"

"Hey, Spy. It's me. May I come in? I need someone to talk to."

"Of course, ma colombe (my dove). Please, come in. Would 'ou like some tea?" He offered, walking over to his desk.

"Yes, please." I sat down on the loveseat by the fireplace. I fanned out my wings, letting them relax.

"'ere, ma ami." He set the tea next to me on the side table. "Now, what ees on 'our mind?"

I took a sip of the tea, trying to organize my thoughts. " know about me and Medic right?"


"And you know we aren't 'official'."


"I guess...I'm just worried."

"Voried about what?"

"That he'll find someone else...someone better." I said finally. "I know I shouldn't be so stressed about it, because we're not exclusive, but I..."

He stopped me, holding a finger up. "'ave 'ou talked to Medic about zis?"

"Of course not! I don't want him to think I'm desperate...or obsessive."

"Cherie, I can promise 'ou zat 'e 'as eyes only for 'ou."

"How can you be so sure?"

"I'm a Spy. I know everyzing." I gave his a questioning look. "And I may 'ave read 'is journal..."

My eyes widened, curiosity enveloping my being. "What else did it say?" I pressed, leaning closer to him.

"I guess 'ou'll 'ave to talk to 'im and find out." He teased, booping the end of my nose. I crossed my arms and pouted. "Oh, don't give me zat look, colombe." I knew he couldn't resist my puppy eyes. "Non! I will not fall for 'our cuteness zis time! 'Ou must go talk to ze Medic." I huffed and got up, a playful smirk on my face.

"Fine! Thanks for your reassurance, Spy. I really appreciate you." I said, walking toward the door. "I don't know how I can repay you."

"Well I 'ave an idea."

"And what's that?"

"I get to be best man at 'our wedding."


I immediately made my way to the MediBay, knowing he was still working. I knocked on the door, peeking my head in. "Doooocterrr~" I purred, stepping in. I was greeted by Archimedes and his young son Socrates.  They cooed at me happily, nuzzling into my neck.

"Ah, I vas vondering ven ju vould come visit me." I heard his thick German accent echo through the room. "Und how is mein Nurse today?" He stood from his desk, walking over to me.

"I'm splendid. Actually...I was wondering if you had time to talk." I hesitated, my fingers absently petting the small birds on my shoulders. "It's...kinda important."

"I alvays have time for you, taube. Vhat's on jur mind?" He took my shaking hands into his.

"Well...uh..." I froze, my mind trying to find the proper words. "We've been seeing each other for a while and...well I've been having some unsettling fears."

"Fears of vhat, liebling?"

"That...this, what we have, isn't enough. That I'm not enough." I said finally, my eyes welling with tears. "I...I'm so scared that you'll find someone better than me. Someone who's prettier and smarter. Someone who can make you happy all the time."

I closed my eyes, not wanting to look up at him.

-Josef's Perspective-

I looked down at her shaking form as she spoke. My eyes studied her for a moment, my mouth refusing to cooperate.

"I guess what I'm trying to say is...what are we now? I mean, I enjoy what we have now, but I don't want to get my hopes up if you don't feel the same way about me." She finally looked up at me, hope in her eyes.

I pulled her close, placing a gentle kiss to her forehead. "I vould love nozing more zan to be your vone und only." I said honestly. I could feel her body relax at my words.

"Then it's settled. We're officially official. But let's try to keep this between us for now."

"Of course, liebling." I held her close, my heart beating out of my chest.

I walked her to her room, hand in hand. It was late, so everyone was already in bed asleep. We had spent a while talking alone in my lab, discussing boundaries and a few ground rules. Finally, we had made an agreement to meet every night before bed.

"Goodnight, Doctor." Mein got I love it when she calls me that.

I gently kissed her hand, finally releasing it. "Until tomorrow, mein dear Nurse"

She turned and stepped into her room. "Until tomorrow." She replied, silently closing the door behind her.

My steps were light as I made my way back to my lab. I almost didn't notice the voice of the Frenchman behind me. "Well done. I guess you didn't need my 'elp after all." He smirked, almost as if he knew I could do it myself all along. I laughed, "not vizout your help, Spy. Thank you."

"Don't forget our deal."

"I von't."

I shut my door, flopping on my bed in attempt to calm the butterflies in my stomach.

She's mine. And I'm hers. This day couldn't get better.

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