It's been a while that I don't write. These days I'm feeling so busy, lonely and scared.. So, i'll take this book as a really diary and show my feelings with you.
Since I was fourteen, I suffer from anxiety, depression ad I was through problems with diet. Moreover, I have endometriosis, gastrits... and my high stress become it worse.
I'm constantly feeling fear about things but I don't give up. Perhaps I've stooped to write because of my insecurities, but the point is.. I'm back. I'm practing.
Ah, good news ( at least for me)! These days I whatched series and movies in english (with subtitles because I don't understand somethings in "accelering" accent yet, so I need to read to understand the words).
i wish peace and happiness for you who are reading this. And patience, because everyone needs patince in the present day..
my daily journey to learn english (rants?)
Ngẫu nhiênHello! I'm so nervous, but let me introce you this "book". This diary come from a Brazilian girl who is trying to practice your english grammar every day! Don't judge me. Or judge me. Whatever.