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Leyana's Pov: OMFG im so nervous what if i don't look right ,or my make up smudges ,omfg what am i gonna do "SHUT THE FUCK UP LEYANA !!!! GOD WHY IS YOU ACTIN LIKE YOU FINNA GET MARRIED!!!!" Kimmie stop actin like you were never nervous when you went on your first date with David this is a special thing for me because im going to homecoming without eve and you know how eve is but she still finna be there so its guarantee that this homecoming finna be poppin ."Exactally . " Guess who just texted me ? " Eve" nope Logan did hes gonna be here to pick me up a 6:30 hurry up please "BiTCH IF YOU DONT HOLD YOU NERVOUS ,NAPPY,GIDDY,ASS STILL IMMA BURN THE FUCK OUT OF YOU " Why you so salty ? "Im not im just trying to get you ready to go " Okay . I texted eve as Kimmie finished up my last curl "Im done ' thankyou i gave Kimmie a hug and rushed her out of my room so i can slip into my dress . "Logan is here ! " Okay im on my way down as i got to the bottom of the steps all eyes turned to me but all i could focus on was Logan standing there in his suit with a red rose for me "this is for you " thanks i gave him a hug and had Leyana take a few pictures before we left ."Leyana you look crazy amazing like a model amazing " Logan helped me into his jeep and started the ignition and he looked at me and we both kissed like there was no tommorow untill his phone started ringing ."Why is Terell calling me " Logan put his phone down and started driving , you look amazingly handsome Logan ."Thanks , your gonna be turning heads" You kno it !!

Leyana and Logan pulled up to the highschool and logan cut the igniton got out of the car fixed his tie and suit and lifted Leyana out of her side of the car and put her down . As Leyana and Logan got out of the car Leyana recived many glares from the bitches that strided in thier short club dresses and guys who she has her classes with .As leyana aproched the door one of the girls attempted to trip her and failed but logan was there and exchanged words with her and continued on with thier evening .We walked in and glitter was everywear ratchet,and moderate girls were everywere and then there was us ,Andaconda came on and i started bumping ,grinding and twerking on Logan as he was grinding too we was in our zone till they turned on a slow song and we started slow dancing. As the homecoming came to an end logan and i were exsausted .

'Are you ready to go"


"wanna go get icecream ?"

sure whynot


Logan and Leyana went to dairy queens to get some ice cream and sat in the car and talked , Logans admired Leyanas beauty and personality he swore she was a godess that everybody should know .

Logan pov

"Logan??? Did you hear me ?"

Sorry I didn't hear what you said?

"Can you turn on the heat im kinda cold"

Sure I went to the trunk and got leyana a sweatshirt and turned the heat on so she could warm up , she looked so sexy in my sweatshirt.

You ready to go home ?

"Yea I had so much fun tonight"

Same you was killing it .

Logan drove Leyanna home and called it a night.

As i stepped in my house I couldnt help but to think about leyana and that pretty red dress she had on tonight and by pretty im talking gorgous . Im talking sexy asf and shawty got majour ass .  

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