Study Session ...

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  • Dedicated to my future new flame

As Lyana walked trough the hall from class to class she looked gorgeous spiral curls black skater skirt,red crop top shirt and red docs she was killin everybody's swag at school. As Logan walked to class he desperately looked for Leyana but couldn't find her untill she walked into Mr Peterson's class . "Sorry im late she told him as she sat next to him."  

You look fine ma!!!!! 

Um...... Thank you 

leyana pov

I felt good looked good and smelled good the only thing is who was it for ? I feel like I'm trying to impress Logan but i refuse to come off as a thirsty ass hoe . Have you ever had that feeling when you like someone and cant put your finger on why your attracted to them ? Well if you haven't that's the case Logan is so different  i know i sound thirsty but hes just different . I see girls stare at him when we sit together in class but hes so unfazed about it and its scary . How don't you feel and see THOTTIES eye raping you . Are guys like that in plain general ? I wanna know if he has a date to home coming ... I've seen him talking to a few girls but how would i ask him. 

Class Is Over 

"Leyana ..... Um did you hear what i just asked you ?"

What !!! I mean sorry i was deep in my thoughts,

" Do you think we can study sometime"

UHHH Sure  

"Text me sometime "

okay here's my number 

Logan just asked me to study with him so its his call ... wait his text i just got a message from him asking me to meet him at his house .But the more i studied the address the more i noticed he lived a whole block over from me . "Sure" I texted Kimmie and David and made sure i was allowed and they found no problem with it .

Soon the school day was over and as i was about to get on the bus Logan came up from behind me and took my hand and led me to his 2014 Jeep Wrangler and helped me get in . His jeep  was all leather and clean im talking about cocked and loaded. As Logan got in and started the ignition i began texting Eve because its a habit when i get nervous and in this case texting Eve was no help she just told me to fuck it and kiss him and i would have but hes driving an hell i don't want any drama between us . Especially since i just met him . 

"were here"

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Logan helped me out of his car and got my bookbag for me . 

Thanks you didn't have t "I insist because its what a man should do"

As we entered his house his mom greeted me with a pleasant but unsure look

"Mom this is Leyana the girl i told you about " 

The way you described her i thought she was what do u guys say now days ... oh Ratchet but shes GORGEOUS , MODEL MATERIEL "

Thank you MS.Brown your goregous yourself . 

"Baby don't faze your self I've been around on this earth for 41 years and i never seen for my self a pure beautiful girl such as you would you like to stay for dinner ?"

Um sure as long as I'm home by curfew 

"Okay tonight for dinner were having Chicken , green beans , sweet potato's and peach cobbler for desert" 


"Mom were gonna study in the living room if its okay with you "


So what do you wanna start with 


What about it ?


ummmmm I'm sure this isn't in the book 

 "Well its in my book  i like you i cant put my finger on why im attracted with you and i would love to take you to not only the homecoming but also on dates and parties but parties are on occasion because I'm uncomfortable with them but i really want to show the world how beautiful you are and how amazing you are"


"Mom im not i told you this shes the only girl i bought to the house ever and i want to make her the first and last girl"

Um..... We gotta study what do you need help on ?

"Can you help me with this english project "


"Its a soundtrack to Julio and Romiette"

Thats a great book its one of my absolute favorites. 


As everyone ate Logan learned about Leyanas mom and dad and how close her and her brother David are . Meanwhile Logan sat back and watched the engaging conversation between Leayana and his mother they clicked as if they met each other before in the past life but the best thing about it is that she had a peace of mind and was at ease as if she was my wife but who am i to be saying that were only seniors . I like Leyana allot maybe i can say im beginning to love her but who's kidding shit happens and she got a nigga whipped on the 3 week of school . 

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