Chapter 1

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*Monday* *lockers*

Hannah: You think you're all that, don't you?

Venus: Girl, What are you talking about?

Hannah: You think you can talk to my boyfriend and get away with it? I will mess you up.

Venus: Dude, he asked what was for homework.

Hannah: *high dumb voice* "He asked what was for homework". *regular voice* Oh, save it. And don't call me dude.

Venus: Oh but when I tell you to quit calling me names, do you listen? No.

Hannah: But my name isn't dude and I'm not a dude.

Venus: And my name isn't female dog and I'm not a dog soooo.

Hannah: Fine. Call me whatever you want, just know that you're lame and I hope you fall down a flight of stairs.

April: You said what now to my best friend?

Hannah: You heard me.

April: Beat it, Hannah. Before those extensions in your hair gets dragged out.

Hannah: Ah...

April: Oh, your makeup's a little off right about, uh, everywhere.

Hannah: My face is better than yours. *leaves*

Venus: I had that under control.

April: Yeah but she was messing with you and you're my best friend. I stop doing that when the bullies stop coming.

Venus: So, never?

April: Yepidoodlecakes.

Venus: This is 11th grade, it's only going to get worse.

April: And my threats are only going to get worse.

Venus: *chuckles* I love you so much.

April: Meeya more.

Venus: Oh, I'm going to the mall to pick out some new glasses, you wanna come?

April: Shoosh yeah I wanna come.

Venus: You just wanna see Carlos, don't you?

April: And hang out with my bestie, but yeah, I do wanna see that beautiful face again. Even though I see it almost all day at school.

Venus: Oh give me a break. That one time you had to be in a group with him and then you automatically fell in love.

April: Once you get feelings for someone, you'd understand.

Venus: I have had feelings for someone.

April: 9th grade, that was 9th grade.

Venus: And 8th. And 7th. But like, that's it. These boys are immature.

April: Alex isn't.

Venus: Alex doesn't know I exist. And I barely know him. I literally just know his face and name.

April: But you can get to know him.

Venus: Oh no, you're making that face.

April: What face?

Venus: The "I have an idea that I should hook Vee up with someone she doesn't know" face.

April: You do know him.

Venus: Not really. We never even talked.

April: Luckily for you, I'm friends with him. Valex will happen.

Venus: Oh so now you're gonna plan our wedding?

April: *gasps* There going to be a wedding? Beeeeet bro.

Venus: *🤦‍♀️* What did I just do?

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