Venus & Alex are dared to date for a week but little did they know, that would be the best week of their lives. Are they gonna fall for each other??
A Blesiv fanfic.
Monday 2pm Alex and the girls: *bust in Venus's room* RISE AND SHIIIIIIIIINE!!!! Venus: *tiredly* Ugggh, shut the frick uuuuuuup. Alex: Come on Veez Kelly: *takes the covers off* Alex: *picks Venus up* Venus: Go hooooome. Alex: Naaah. Sarah, do you want Venus to fly? Venus: No. Sarah: Yeah! Alex: *starts spinning* VENUS IS FLYING!!!! Sarah & Kelly: *cheering* Venus: This is my life now. Alex: *stops spinning* Are you up? Venus: I am now. *hits Alex* Alex: *😂* Mission accomplished. Sarah & Kelly: YEAH! Alex: Get ready, Vee. I'm taking you guys somewhere. Venus: Do I have to? Alex: Yes you do. And don't wear anything that's important to you 'cause it's gonna messy. Venus: All is my clothes are important to me. Alex: Well I mean, you c an wash it out but still. Venus: Ok. Imma wear my favorite outfit. Alex: I wouldn't if I were you. Venus: But I am, now all of you go on somewhere. Alex: Ok. Come on girls. *holds their hands* Kelly: Venus, I'm stealing your mans. Sarah: Me too. Alex: *😂* *30 minutes later* Venus has on
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Venus: *goes downstairs* I'm ready. Alex: After 15,000 years. Venus: Whatever. Kelly: Can we go now? Alex: Yes we can. Sarah: Sissy, we have new names. Alex: Yeah they do. Sarah is Cookie and Kelly is Cupcake. Sarah: What's Sissy's nickname? Venus: I don't have a... Alex: She has more than one nickname. Venus: Which is? Alex: Beautiful, Angel, Baby, Babe, and Cutie. Kelly: Awwwww. Sarah: What's your nickname. Venus: My nicknames for him is Baby, Boo, Lover Boy, and Dreamy Eyes. Kelly: AWWWWWWW. Sarah: I'm gonna call you Buttercup. Kelly: I'm calling him Dream Boat. Venus: Quit flirting with him. Jesus. *😂* I don't wanna be the type of sister who fights over a guy. Kelly: Sounds like you wanna fight about it. Venus: I don't. We're only dating for 4 more days. Kelly: Oh my God. 4?! I'm gonna cry. *fanning her eyes* Venus: Why? Kelly: Because I'm not gonna see him ever again. Sarah: Wait, huh? *lip quivering* *voice breaking* I'm never gonna see you...*bust out crying* Venus: Oh my goodness. Alex: No. That's not going to happen. *picks Sarah up* I'm still going to come over every day. You guys are my favorite girls. Venus: 'I'm one of his favorite girls' I'm gonna cryyyy. Alex: Why?! Venus: Because you said I'm one of your favorite girls. *starts crying* Kelly: *crying* I'm crying because everyone else is crying. Alex: 'What did I just get myself into' *a few minutes later* Alex: Is everyone down crying now? Sarah, Venus, & Kelly: Yes. Alex: Ok. Cookie and Cupcake, I'm not leaving, I'm still going to come back every day. And Beautiful, of course you're my favorite girl. That shouldn't be new. Venus: But I never thought I'd actually hear you say it. Alex: You're always gonna be my favorite girl. Kelly: Have you kissed her yet because this would be the perfect moment. Venus: Or you could just not ask questions like that. Kelly: Just asking because honestly, you guys would make an amazing couple. Like, I'm already planning the wedding with April. Venus: *🤦♀️* I can't with you guys. He's one guy. Kelly: Exactly. The only guy you've ever encountered in your life. Well, except for that kid who had like, a huge crush on you. Alex: Who kid? What kid? When? Venus: Chill Alex, it was a couple of months ago and he never had a crush on me. Kelly: You never gave him a chance. I mean, maybe after you and Alex break up... Venus: Oh honey no. For one, he moved, and two, he's not like Alex. He gotta be like Alex. Not that I'm saying he has to be EXACTLY like you because if that were the case I could just date you. *talking fast* *moving her hair around* Not that I wanna date you because I don't have any type of actual factual feelings for you. *nervously laughs* Can we go do the thing we were supposed to do before everyone started crying and forget we ever had this conversation please? Kelly: Ummm, ok. That was weird... Venus: *talking fast* *moving her hair* That wasn't weird. There was nothing weird about that. *nervously laughs* Maybe you're just thinking weird. I'm going to the car. *leaves* *a while later* *at the place* Venus: You brought me painting? Alex: Yeah. I remember you saying you like to paint and draw and stuff. Kelly: Me and Sarah are going to the kids' section. Venus: K. Stay safe. Don't leave your sister. Don't go too far. Kelly: We'll be ok. *leaves with Sarah* Alex: Wanna go live on Instagram? Venus: I don't know. Do you? Alex: I asked you for a reason. Venus: And I'm asking you back for a reason, BOO. Alex: So yes? Venus: I don't know. Alex: I'm going live. Venus: Ok. Alex: *goes live* Wassup everybody. Uh, I'm not where I usually be, I am at some art thing with a very special guest, my girlfriend. And no I'm not talking about Chick-Fil-A, I'm talking about an actual girl who's name is Venus. Come here. Venus: Did I forget to mention I'm camera shy? Alex: Oh God. It's a camera. Venus: Exactly! Alex: Just get in the frame. Venus: *puts her hand in the camera* They can see me now. Alex: Thats your hand. Venus: It's still me. Alex: Put your face in the camera. Venus: No. Alex: This is like skating all over again. Venus: Except I can skate like a boss. Alex: Thanks to me. Venus: Yeah. Thank you. Alex: Can I get a hug? Venus: No 'cause you gon bring the camera to my face. Alex: No I'm not. Look. *gets up* See. Venus: *hugs Alex* Alex: *pulls hers into the camera* Venus: ALEX!!! *😂* You said you wouldn't do that. Alex: No, I said I wouldn't bring the camera to you. I brought you to the camera. Guys, this is my girlfriend. *moves Venus's hair out her face* this is my girlfriend, not the hairy monster before. Venus: You're the one who lost my rubber band. Alex: I didn't mean to. *😂* It flopped out my hand. Venus: This is my first time having my hair down in public. Alex: You look beautiful whether your hair is down or not. Venus: Awww, so sweet. Alex: *reading the comments* "How did you guys get together". Venus: A dare. Alex: We were at a party and Vee was dared to do that "date some for a week" challenge. Venus: We are 3 days in right now and Alex is the best boyfriend ever. From my perspective. Alex: Awww, you're the best girlfriend. Venus: Thank you. How am I supposed to paint if my hair is gonna be in face? Alex: I'll hold it up for you. Venus: Awww, really? 'Don't get too comfortable Vee' Alex: Yeah. Venus: Aww, thanks. Alex: Anything for you. *a few minutes later* Venus: *painting* Honestly I'm just putting paint on paper. I don't know what I'm doing right now. Alex: *😂* Wait Vee, *sticks his hand in paint* I see something in your face. *gets in front of her* Venus: What is it? *looks up* Alex: *puts the paint on Venus's face* I told you it was gonna get messy. Venus: *wipes her eyes* Alex!! *gets a whole can of paint and pours it on Alex* *😂* Alex: Beeeet. *pours paint on Venus* Venus: QUIT THAT!!! *😂* Alex: You started it! *😂* Venus: You put ya hands on ma face, BOO! You started... Alex: *puts his hands in some more paint* Shhhhhhhh. *rubs Venus's face* Venus: Oh you're gonna get it! *a few minutes later* *in the car* Alex: *clears his throat* So, we got kicked out. Venus: And it's all your fault. Kelly: You guys act like kids. Venus: Alex put the paint on me first. I had to get back at him. *😂* Sarah: I'm 7 and I didn't do that. Venus: Yeah Alex, she's 7 and she didn't do that. Alex: Oh whatever. *April's house* April: *on Facetime* You're acting so stupid. Carlos: How? April: 2+2=8? Like, what? That doesn't make sense. Carlos: *😂* It does make sense. April: How though? Carlos: Because it's the number 2, you gotta add 2, and...I give up. I can't explain it. *😂* April: Exactly. *😂* Carlos: But it's still 8 so. April: Go to school. Carlos: I do go to school. April: Pay attention in school. Carlos: I do pay attention, to some things. I even pay attention to the little things. Like when you're happy you crinkle your nose. April: I don't do that. Carlos: Yeah you do. April: You're lying. Carlos: On God you do. April: Bro whatever. I'm not going to listen to you. Carlos: Then don't. I'm not making you listen to me. April: I should just hang up right now. Carlos: Bet. *hangs up* April: I know he didn't. *calls him* Carlos: I hung up first. Aha. April: I hope you go step on some legos. I'm kidding! Carlos: *😂* April: What? *😂* Carlos: Every time you tell me to step on some legos you always go "I'm kidding". April: I do though. Stepping on legos hurt and I don't want you to get hurt. Carlos: You don't? April: No. You're a good person and you did nothing wrong to me. Carlos: What if I hang up again? April: Then Imma want you to step on one lego. Carlos: Well dang. April: But just one. See, if you were someone I don't like, then Imma want you to fall in a whole volcano of legos. Carlos: Speaking of people you don't like. How come you have a problem with Hannah? April: Because she for some reason has a problem with Venus and if you don't like my best friend and you bully my best friend, I'm gon wanna fight you. Carlos: That punch thoooouuuuuugggggghhhhhh. April: You wanna fight me? Carlos: Yeah. April: Bet. When and where? Carlos: Today, in 15 minutes, at your house. April: Beeeeet. Bro, you gon get beat. Carlos: Nah, I can fight better than you. April: No you can't. You thought. Carlos: Nah, you thought. April: Bet. Imma see you in 15 minutes. Bye. Carlos: Bye. *hangs up* *15 minutes later* *knock knock* April: *opens the door* Sadly my family left because I would've loved for them to see me kick your butt. Carlos: Nah, I'm boutta kick your butt. April: You ready to get beat up by a girl? Carlos: You ready to get beat up by a guy? April: I was born ready. 'What am I doing? I'm out of my kind' How did we get to this fight again? Carlos: Honest answer, I don't even know. April: Man, I really wanted to fight you but I don't have a reason. Carlos: We can make a reason. April: Nah, that's not gon work for me. Imma jus go to Hannah's house. Carlos: No, no you are not. You're gonna start drama. April: She started... Carlos: And you're gonna make it worse. You already punched her. April: And it felt good too. But like, she needa learn her lesson. Carlos: I'm pretty sure she did. April: Ok. Ok fine, but if she does something else, I'm going to fight her and then I'm going to fight you. Carlos: Why me?! April: Because you're telling me something I don't want to believe but I'm listening to you because I like yooouuuuu-elllow. Yeah, I like yellow. *nervously laughs* 'I thought I was getting comfortable🤦♀️' See, I just like blurting out that I like yellow. Sooooo...yeah. Carlos: ... April: Or you could just ignore I ever even said anything...We're just going to do that. Yeah, I never said anything. Heeeey, you wanna you wanna sit and talk or sit and sit or something that doesn't make me seem like a weird person? *nervously laughs* *in the car* Venus: Alex, I hope you step on a lego. Alex: *😂* What I do? Venus: IM DIRTY! Alex: You're not going to die. Venus: But I'm dirty. I don't like being dirty. Kelly: Hey, don't sneeze or you're going to have to sanitize the air. *chuckles* Venus: Oh whatever. Kelly: If you cough, she's going to have a whole seizure. Venus: I don't have a seizure. Kelly: Ok, well she freaks out. Venus: Yea I do. Kelly: She puts her head in her shirt, starts coughing, and starts saying "I'm dying". Alex: *😂* Venus: I don't like germs at all. Alex: I know that now. *😂* Venus: Whatever. You just mad 'cause I put more paint on you. Alex: You're just mad because I put paint on you first. Venus: Oh honey, I don't get mad. I get even. Alex: Oh you do? Venus: Yeah. Kelly: Ok, so are you going to kiss now? Venus: Kelly! Kelly: I'm just saying. Oh, Noelle, Nadia, Ash, and Quinton are coming over. Venus: One question. Who is Ash and Quinton? Kelly: My son and best friend. Venus: Son? Kelly: Yeah. But Noelle is the aunt. Venus: Who's the dad? Don't say Alex. Kelly: Bro, why? *😂* Alex: *😂* Venus: What do you mean "why"?! *😂* He's my boyfriend. Kelly: For 4 more days. And anyway, he's adopted. He's literally my age. He's older than me. Venus: You have a son who's older than you? I've never heard of that. Kelly: It's possible. I made it possible. Venus: I don't feel comfortable with you hanging out with guys. Kelly: B... Venus: Yet. You can do that at 78. Kelly: WHAT?! Alex: *😂* Quit making me laugh, we're gonna crash. Venus: I'm not trying to. *😂* Kelly: You're 17 and you hang out with Alex. Venus: One guy who's not 13 and immature like the guys in your class. Kelly: Name one time the guys in my class were immature. Venus: I don't know. I just know that I was 13 once. Kelly: These 2 guys aren't immature. They're like Alex but younger and less hot and somewhat immature. But can they please come over? Please, please, please, please? PLEEEEEAAAAAAAASSSSSSSEEEEEEEE????!!!!! Venus: OK! SHUT UP! Alex: *😂* You guys are funny. Venus: You shut up too, Alex. Alex: *😂* Venus: They can come over, but you are to stay downstairs, and Alex, you're going to watch them with me. Alex: Ok. Kelly: Wait, ew, no. I can't have anyone watching us. Venus: Well then I guess they're not coming over. Kelly: Ok fine. But you stay in the kitchen while we're in the living room. Venus: Why do you want them to come over so bad? Kelly: No reason. Venus: Kelly Indiana Scott. Kelly: Don't use my full name, Venus Nicole Scott. Alex: Your middle name is Nicole? I'm gonna start calling you Nicky. Venus: *🤦♀️* Ok. Kelly, why do you want them over? Kelly: Ok. It's to make this girl jealous but I mean, they really are my best friends but this girl really gets on my nerves... Venus: So the whole point of them coming over is to make a girl jealous? Kelly: Yes but no. They're my best friends and I like hanging out with them. Venus: I don't know. Something seems sketchy. What are you up to? Kelly: Nothing. I'm your sister, you gotta trust me. Venus: Yeah, but you're my TEENAGE sister who does sneaky things. Kelly: I'm not up to anything, I promise. Venus: Ok. Well, they can come over, but I won't like it. Kelly: Yaaaay. *a few minutes later* Venus & Alex: *gets a text* Venus: *looks at it* *🙄*