Prologue - Escape

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       Clara was many things. She was beautiful, with pale waving hair and sharp blue eyes. She was the omega mate of Lord Etan Allister the First and the mother of three wonderful children, ages 8, 9, and 10. She could run a household like no other Lady of the court, even while pregnant with her fourth at only 26. Most importantly though, and many people seemed to forget this, Lady Clara Allister was painfully, painfully intelligent.

       Of course she knew that her husband - her mate of 10 years - was unhappy, malcontent with their relationship. To put it simply, he was bored of her. She was no long a challenge to him - not in the way he liked - and she was no longer a young girl. She was well into womanhood, and - if her suspicions were correct, no longer of interest to him.

       She also knew that this unhappiness had lead to problems in her marriage. Oh sure, Etan may have loved her at one point - back when she was young and naïve enough to believe that she could hold the heart of a man 14 years her senior. Now though, she hadn't provide him what he wanted. So his eyes wandered, further and further from her, even as her pregnancy developed.

       His hands too. She had no concrete proof of course, her darling mate was too careful to let her catch him with another woman. But she was a fox - one of the last of her kind. She could smell it on him during his rare visits, the sweet smell of another woman - younger then her and much more excitable. She was not blind either. She had seen him, time and time again with that girl - a young maid just barely 17. A nameless, rosy face framed by dark hair, blushing like mad every time Etan smiled.

       Clara snarled at the thought of the young maid, her hands frozen in her half packed bag. She couldn't blame the poor girl for falling for Etan's tricks. She had been 16 once, tripping over herself to impress the larger then life lord that had taken an interest in her. Oh, he could be so charming when he wanted to be, all smooth words and empty promises of love. Marriage had been her greatest teacher, exposing the man's many lies and manipulations. She wouldn't let it stand this time - wouldn't let this girl fall for the same tricks that she had.

       "Lady Allister?" The quiet voice called. Clara's head snapped up, and then she was face to face with her mate's mistress.

       "Come," Clara jerked her head toward the chairs by the fireplace. "You and I need to have words." The maid gulped, but she complied, following Clara to the chairs.

       "Are you planning a trip my lady?" The girl asked, "Do you need my help packing?"

       "I know my mate is sleeping with you," Clara got straight to the point, watching the girl pale under her gaze. "Don't bother denying it, I don't blame you, I just want to warn you."

       "Lady Allister -" Clara waved her off.

       "I was in your place once - I know what it is like having an older man pinning after you. The thrill of his attention, telling you he loves you with his every breath." Clara gave a rueful smile. "Unfortunately for the both of us, Etan is not a loyal man, nor even a good one."

       The young girl was indignant at that. "Lord Etan is kind! He is gentle and sweet and -"

       "A bastard of a man cheating on his pregnant omega, knowing full well that this infidelity will end both my life and the life of his unborn child." The maid paused, unable to respond. "You are a beta - and you are barely more then a child yourself - I know you probably have no idea what a frayed bond does to an omega. I have months to live if I stay, and that bastard knows it - he knew it when he began cheating on me."

       "W-What?" The girl asked, tears welling up in her brown eyes. "It's killing you? I'm killing you?!" She was on the edge of hysterics, clutching her stomach as she stared at Clara with wide eyed horror.

       "Etan and Etan alone is responsible for my fate," Clara said calmly, "And I am leaving, I am running far enough away that this damn bond won't effect me for years to come."

       "But your children!" The girl sobbed, "And your parents and siblings! You'll never see them again if you leave!" Clara nodded.

       "I would rather their last memories of me leaving, not of me slowly dying," she explained, "At least this way, my youngest will have a chance to know me before I'm dead."

       "I-I," The girl sobbed harder, "Why are you even telling me all this?!"

       "I don't want you to make the same mistake I did," Clara said, "Etan is a predator - he prays on young girls and uses them. You still have a chance to get away, and you need to take it."

       "I'm sorry!" The girl wailed, "I never wanted anyone to die because of me!" Clara stood up, patting the girl's knee as she continued to sob.

       "I can't stay." It was cold, leaving the girl sobbing alone, but Clara wasn't lying. "Etan will be home soon and I need to be gone by then. I'd recommend you do the same." She grabbed her bag off the bed, heading towards the door without so much as a glance back.

       "I'm so sorry," The girl whimpered once more. Clara just shook her head.

       "I know."

Clara's Theme: Cry Cry Cry, Scott Helman

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