Chapter Three - Saxon's POV

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     I screamed, devastated as the white fox fled into the woods. My mate, my beaten and bloodied mate, had run away in complete terror. I couldn't even blame him, he had been a complete mess - so clearly abused by whoever his damn master was. His face bruised, and his feet completely burnt. I snarled at the thought, half shifted and ready to take off after the young man. I had to protect him.

"My prince!" My personal guard shouted, tackling me, "Stop! What are you doing?!" Ulmar pinned me to ground as I struggled, growling at the older knight.

"My mate!" I howled, "Asa! He's hurt!" She had to smell the lingering blood on the snow, she had to know that I needed to go to him!

"Get a hold of yourself your highness!" She snapped back, twisting my arm behind my back, "Think about what will happen if you go tearing off after him like this!" That gave me pause. I thought of scared eyes, ringed with dark bruised. Asa would be even more terrified if I chased him down while I was half mad with desperation and rage.

     "Okay," I muttered into the snow, my fight draining away, "You're right Ulmar, thank you." Her grip loosened, and when I didn't try to tear off into the woods she climbed off. I rubbed the shoulder that she twisted, staring out into the woods.

     "Lady Ulmar! I heard you shout!" Leon - the knight I picked as my mate's personal guard - came running into the clearing, crossbow drawn at his side. He was a small man, almost unassuming if not for easy way he carried the heavy armor. My father had protested when I picked him, arguing that a peasant born omega couldn't be trusted to be strong enough to guard the future king-consort, but I had insisted. He was a good man, determined and with a strong desire to protect.

     "We are fine Leon," I assured him, "How are the servants?" The knight straightened.

     "Awake and with the horses your highness," he said, "They sent me here to help when we heard Lady Ulmar's shouts." He paused, clearly curious about what the noise had been about, but too hesitant to ask.

     Ulmar ruffled his hair. "No need to worry," she said, cracking a grin my way. "Just the Prince's alpha brain getting the better of him."

     "It was no worse then when you met Sarah," I huffed, glaring at the woman, "If I remember correctly, you tackled her to the floor, promising to have your way with her in the middle of the diplomatic meeting." Ulmar grinned wider at the choked laugh Leon let out.

     "Ah my precious Sarah," she sighed, eyes glazed over with the memory, "I did have my way with her, right after she punch me in the face and demanded I apologize." She jerked a thumb towards Leon. "Let hope this one doesn't stab his fated when they do something stupid."

     "I would never!" Leon looked scandalized.

     I was glade for the jovial mood as we walked back to the horses. Some would view a mate running as a sign of rejection and disrespect, but Ulmar and Leon had taken it in stride. Even as we helped climbed back onto the horses, the twin beta servants right behind us, the kept the mood light.

As we drew closer to town though, my thought drifted back to my mate. Asa. He had been painful small as he sat by the grave. Bony and thin, and covered head to toe in bruises. He was beautiful nonetheless. With his messy blond hair, so pale that it was nearly white, and his freckle-covered skin, and his honey eyes, he was the most beautiful man I had ever seen. I could almost imagine it without the bruises. A soft face, with round cheeks and rose colored lips, his round nose blood free. I could imagine peppering kisses all across it. Asa would be enchanting once he healed, I just knew it.

I nudged at our bond, now stronger then ever before, and felt the waves of panic, pain, and terror flow back through. I gently sent back my love, only to be shut out. Another nudge, only to find Asa's end of a the bond shut tight. I sighed, curling my fingers around my sword hilt. I'm going to protect him, I swore to myself as we marched on, hoping my intent made it through the bond.

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