Chapter Four - A Feast

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It was stupid. If Angelia or Baron Julius caught me I'd be as good as dead. Hell, if even Mrs. Mary caught me I'd be dead. Even having a nobleman as my mate wouldn't save me if I was found in the same room as Prince Saxon. But still, I had to see my mate again, even if just for a second.

He had been nudging and poking at our bond all day. He had been constantly call out to me, sending his affection over till I couldn't stand it anymore. My bond screamed at me to call back, to find him and claim him as my own, even as I trembled in terror in the stable loft. He's a noble, the rational part of my mind screamed, just like my father, just like Angelia! The less rational part reminded me of his kindness in the clearing, of the love I felt through our bond since I was a child.

So I snuck into the feast. It was easy enough. The head servants were all too busy to guard the servant's entrance, and the great hall was crowded enough that no one noticed one extra. Slumped against a wall and shadowed by the large decorative curtains, I was practically invisible to those who didn't want me there. I watched the crowd dance by before me, chatting happily as they all waited for the prince to arrive.

I scanned the crowd for my mate. Or for that tall alpha lady who had been hanging around the manor all day. Really, anyone who could help me find my mate would work. With a start I realized that he may not even show up, he might have left early to scout. Gently I tugged at our bond, still shockingly raw from our initial contact. He was still close by, and responded with his usual flood of love and worry.

I didn't need to talk to him, I tried to remind myself, I just want to see him again. See his strong nose and handsome eyes, and maybe feel his large hands - I shuttered, ending that train of thought then and there. Just looking, no talking, and definitely no touching. Just look and run. Run before he can catch me and force a mating between us.

He was still nudging our bond when I shut him out again. Soulmate or not, I won't be used and discarded like my mother was. No new noble would get their hands on me.

A whisper rang out through the crowd. "The prince is coming out!" Someone hissed. "Look! It's his personal knight!"

I snapped my head up towards the front of the hall, and sure enough, standing next to the Baron was the lady alpha from early. She was clad in golden armor, a board sword at her hip. Her red hair was no longer in the tight braid from this morning, instead it was falling over her shoulders like a lion's mane. Her mere presence drew everyone's attention.

"Honored subjects," she called out, "Please welcome the crown prince and heir to the Airenia thrown, his highness Saxon Arthur Airenia." The crowd roared as the doors to the hall flew open, revealing the prince as he strolled in.

I couldn't bite back my own gasp as my hands flew up to cover my mouth. This had to be some kind of joke, the man who walked out couldn't be the prince. He was just as handsome as he had been the clearing - tall and charming as he smiled out at the crowd. The worn travel clothes had simply been switched out for white and gold formal wear, a long cape draped over his shoulder and pinned in place with chains.

I felt him through our bond, reaching out and searching for me in the crowd. In my panic, I reached back. The Prince's eyes snapped towards me. Shit, shit, shit, shit, I chanted. Forget being as good as dead, Angelia was going to murder me. She was going to strip my bones and feed me to the dogs. I had seconds at most before he gave me away.

He glanced at the Baron and Angelia next to him, subtly shaking his head. He sent waves of calm through our bond before quickly focusing on the crowd again to begin his welcome speech. I gapped at him. He was giving me a chance to escape. Once more he met my eye, not stopping his speech as he glanced towards a door leading to a side corridor. The message was clear. Go.

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