𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 [̲̅1]

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Yo, my name is Lee Felix and not too long ago I confessed to someone, and he said yes! Yeah m8, he. It happened about a year ago. His name is Seo Changbin. He's so cute! He's short and has the most adorable smile. I really think I love him, but there is one thing I have problem with. We've never done anything. I mean I haven't even hugged him. Sometimes it feels like we're just friends. "-ix" I just want to do things with him. "-lix" Like things people in a relationship do. "Felix." A soft-ish voice snapped me out of thought. "Ah. Ch- Changbin." He was so close. Our noses were almost touching. "Can I kiss you?" I asked after a few minutes of silence. He looked down at my lips and licked his. It was a habbit of his. He does it when he's deciding things. He looked back up at my eyes, "Mabye."  He leaned in closer so our noses touched. His mouth opened and he looked down at the table he was leaning over, "After we finish our homework." He said and sat back down. "GaAhH! You're such a tease!" I complained and leaned back in my chair. When I looked back at him he flashed me a quirky smile that made my heart flutter. "God he's handsome." I thought out loud. My hands shot up to my mouth as soon as a said it. "Right back at you." He smiled with finger guns.


We finished our homework, but as soon as we did he went to the bathroom. I was kind of hoping for more today. You know, what couples do. Just a hug. Is that too much to ask for? I guess so because I feel like he's avoiding it. The door clicked and I saw Changbin shutting my room door behind him. "So..." He trailed off. I looked at him with hopeful eyes. "So?"
"Your mom isn't home."
"No. Why?"
"That wasn't a question." He said giving me a look that said 'duh'. He sat down on my bed and motioned for me to sit next to him. I sat down and awakwardly stared at the wall across from us. I felt his small, soft hands on my face and he pulled me to look at him. "It seems like I owe you a kiss." He said.
This was like lowkey cringe so I came back and edited it

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